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  1. C

    CEC Applications - Oct 2020 **Join Here**

    Hi Dhana, Even our PR got recently approved. I wanted to check with you about photo specifications for applying for PR card. Can we use the same pic submitted for original application (We submitted in October and took the pics in August)? Or does it have to be a pic taken within last six months?
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    India PCC from Toronto

    I reapplied on Aug 15th i think.
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    India PCC from Toronto

    Hi there... please keep us posted about the status of your application. I had applied for my PCC via BLS bramptom on Aug 9th and i am still waiting. I am unable to contact CGI Toronto regarding status of application. I wonder if i can ask the DUPLX people to help me find out the status of my...
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    India PCC from Toronto

    HI ... could you let me know where you had raised grievance?
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    India PCC from Toronto

    Hi Swapnil, sorry for the late reply. We decided to submit our application with LOE quoting that there is a delay from CGI, Toronto. We provided proof that i have reached out to PSK via portal 1 and gave them a copy of their reply saying my police report is clear and any further correspondence...
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    India PCC from Toronto

    Hi Swapnil, I am in a similar situation as you. I submitted my PCC application on Aug 8th using postal service to Brampton BLS. I contacted passport Seva Kendra on Sep 23rd via (https://portal2.passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/ccgm/ServiceRequestHomeAction). I raised a grievance and they...