Thanks to both of you for replies.
My employer has agreed to re submit and is as angry and confused as myself as to why it failed.They are going to bombard SC with thier attempts to prove efforts made to hire Canadians and also are allowing me to write a cover letter to accompany the...
Thanks for reply fbf2006
In all research the occupations under pressure is fairly new to me. When I started research in the UK I was continually informed LMO would be positive if it was a job Canadians can`t or won`t do. I was actually offered 3 jobs when in UK but couldn`t get here in time to...
Thanks Thaiguy
I have researched this site many times. My interpretation and thiers differ greatly as to what kind of skills are needed in Ontario! My inderstanding was that you had to find a job that a Canadian can`t or won`t do. Therefore I am qualified in my field as there are only a few in...
Can anyone tell me what the best type of job to look for is in Ontario that would almost guarantee a positive LMO? I have 2 job offers and both turned down for LMO.
Has anyone had an LMO application re submitted; what are the chances of success if prospective employer re submits the application...
My prospective employers did not state my case very well when applying for LMO. Can I, or they, appeal or resubmit the application with the updated info? I was told it was a formality in my circumstances.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I have been offered job but have had a negative LMO returned.My prospective employers did not fill in application correctly detailing my experience properly.Is there any challenge I can make to them..or can my employer challenge or re-submit the LMO?
Any help greatly appreciated