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  1. J

    Immigration targets 2017 to be announced 1 Nov

    http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/provinces-want-to-ensure-supports-are-in-place-for-immigration-boost/ McCallum is required by law to announce them before 1 Nov it says! The ministers all met today... maybe we'll get some news soon! http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=1136739
  2. J

    Temporary Foreign Worker Program Report & Government Response

    Guys, as Alexios07 and myself have noted, the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA)....(how do they get HUMA? ::)) tabled their recommendations for the overhaul of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program yesterday in...
  3. J

    Does the temporary foreign worker program include PGWP?

    Does anybody already happen to know if the upcoming announcement re changes in the temporary foreign worker program has any influence on post graduate work permits? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadians-want-to-boost-immigration-mccallum-says-after-consultations/article31854179/...
  4. J

    Reliable information on Express Entry @ May 2016 and proposed changes to EE!!!!!

    Seems like we have some actual information on the current Express Entry pool (well May 2016) and 'round-table' discussions about proposed changes! http://www.cerc.ca/news/303456/Canadas-Immigration-Express-Entry-System.htm...