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  1. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants for January intake, Gather Here

    Is IELTS required ?!! I do not see it is required anywhere ..what does CIC have to do with IELTS for study permit?
  2. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants, Janu gather here

    Thanks a lot ..I am following that thread but there are no updates there for a while and it keeps sinking
  3. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants for January intake, Gather Here

    My time line Applied Nov 27 BIL: Nov 28 Bio submit: Nov 29 Bio updated and validity end date updated: Dec 1 No explicit BVL yet .... eligibility &background are being processed
  4. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants for January intake, Gather Here

    May I ask what exactly is BVL ? I know it is validity letter for bio....but my question is: is it really a "letter"? Or it is just an update on your account saying "your bio is valid till ....."
  5. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants for January intake, Gather Here

    Please share your timeline, updates office location, SDS/Non
  6. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November applicants, Janu gather here

    Please share your time and updates
  7. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    And one more question, when you raised a form, did you say "yes" or "no" when it asks "did you apply to an office outside Canada"? (it tells you to say 'no' if you are affected by COVID in which case you are not asked about your visa office location)
  8. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    Did you apply from Tunis or Egypt? because if you live in Tunis, so online CIC webpage says processing time is 9 (you did it in 7 weeks) Egypt is 25 weeks on average now .... So, your answer will help us estimate ...in your post you say "Country Egypt" ... you mean citizenship or where did you...
  9. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    Thanks a lot for the great help with the answers Would you please tell how come you "sent a webform to the office in Tunisia" If you selected no for office outside of Canada? When I select "no" it does not ask about the visa office
  10. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    and could you please elaborate why you needed medical? Egypt does not need it, right ?
  11. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    And please could you share your full profile? background study? program you applied to? financial support? Home country ties you demonstrated? Thanks and wish you the best with studies in Canada!
  12. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    Passport request !

    Would you please elaborate on this? How did you contact IRCC office in Canada using textnow app? what number? text? or call? how did you contact Tunisia office? what number ? while submitting your web form, it asks "Did you apply from outside Canada? if you are affected by COVI-19, select no"...
  13. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    October and November Applicants Updates

    Good you got BVL ...this is 1 month and 12 days to get the BVL? from otehr posts around, between BVL and PPR is maybe 10 days on average
  14. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    October and November Applicants Updates

    Since you are from Egypt, why you made medical test ..... we do not need to
  15. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November 2020 Applicants gather here

    From where? what program?
  16. Mostafa.Mahmoud

    November 2020 Applicants gather here

    Congrats !!! This is pretty quick I wonder how can I reflect your timeline on mine Study permit Non SDS January 2021 intake College on DLI readiness list. Visa applied Nov 26 Biometric request Nov 28 Biometric done Nov 29 Medical: N/A Biometric validation: not yet eligibility: reviewing...
  17. Mostafa.Mahmoud


    Your timeline please ?