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  1. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    And finally, I am pleased to confirm that my CoPR arrived yesterday! I need to land by 27th of April 2016 so watch this space.
  2. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    I think you need to reside in Canada for those. If you have a Canadian address then go for it.
  3. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    Well done rockypoint. Speedy Dm to PR I see, too! all the best
  4. Lumen_UK

    Adding spouse after PPR and before landing

    Interesting post. I will need some help on this as I am unsure how to proceed. Currently in a relationship of less than a year. I got PPR but I havent landed yet. If I want to add my current partner on my visa, would I have to marry? I am not sure that common law relationship would apply as it...
  5. Lumen_UK

    ECAS Decision Made and NO PPR Express Entry Candidates Connect Here!!

    I got PPR from the London Visa Office on Monday but I wont be sending my paperwork until tomorrow. I should have it at some point next week I 'd imagine. As I am not landing until April, I am not in a particular rush. But it has to be done. But PPR has lifted my mood a lot!
  6. Lumen_UK

    ECAS Decision Made and NO PPR Express Entry Candidates Connect Here!!

    Though it is rare to see rejection after DM (it has happened though), have faith and you ll get the golden email very soon!
  7. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    If all fails, there is a postoffice round the corner for the High Commission. :-) Your CoPR was issued very quickly. Well done by the way anya 654
  8. Lumen_UK

    ECAS Decision Made and NO PPR Express Entry Candidates Connect Here!!

    It took me 10 days to get PPR after I saw DM on ECAS. So you have time. Just be patient.
  9. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    I am passport exempt. Maybe thats why? I havent sent the copy and the pictures yet. Thinking of submitting the envelope in person. I did send a CSE to the London VO(Friday eve) who contacted Ottawa (Monday am) on my behalf and Ottawa responded the same day (Monday pm) saying they will send my...
  10. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    Hi Anya654. Yes, the address specified was the High Commission's address in central London Fao Immigration Department. Did you pay the £15.20 for the application transmission?
  11. Lumen_UK

    ECAS Decision Made and NO PPR Express Entry Candidates Connect Here!!

    Not long Banff2015. You should be on the next PPR batch... Keep breathing 8)
  12. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    Not in the PPR I got Asivad. They asked to mail the documents directly to them (as in the High Consulate of Canada in the UK), not via VFS. There is no mention of VFS at all. What they asked was for the prepaid envelope and they were happy to accept Royal Mail signed for envelopes.
  13. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    Asivad is right. Try to VFS and see if they would accept your docs. I gave them a ring too but they wanted £15.20 for the document transmission which I thought was a lot. So waited for Ottawa to get back to me. Good luck and let us know how you are getting on.
  14. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    May be worth ordering your GCMS notes since you are in Canada already.
  15. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    I suppose it is consuming to send the "wrong" request first and that can be for a number of reasons, logistics being the primary one I would suspect. In fairness, once I conducted the London VO with my specific query, they did forward my email to Ottawa and Ottawa sent instructions the same...
  16. Lumen_UK

    Received COPR papers and successfully landed connect here

    FSW Outside Canada here. Can anyone share their experience, if any, when landing at Pearson International (Toronto). Looking to land by April next year and not too sure if I should attempt a border landing (from the US to Canada) or a direct landing at Pearson. Thanks.
  17. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    So sorry to hear that dukhi? What stream have you applied under? whats youe Ecas status?
  18. Lumen_UK

    CHANGE of VISA OFFICE [from Ottawa to Local VO] - Anyone ?

    Well done JB007! What was your local VO?
  19. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    Patience guys. Looking at your Aors you are at the end of the month so be patient. It took me well over 4 months to get AOR. Your turn will be soon.
  20. Lumen_UK

    JUNE AOR receivers, CONNECT HERE!

    I am currently struggling to have my VO moved from Ottawa to London so I can get CoPR issued. To be fair, I will leave landing close to the deadline if I am honest as I am not ready to arrive in Canada in -20. Toronto seems to be the destination but happy to consider Vancouver, It all would...