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  1. O

    (Quebec) Apply for BOWP after IEC (Young Professional) visa expires or submit BOWP without AOR?

    Thank you so much I posted there! Though maybe people here also have some answers since the BOWP being tied with AOR is I believe universal (but could be wrong)
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    Apply for BOWP after IEC (Young Professional) visa expires or submit BOWP without AOR?

    I currently live in Montreal, QC. I have paid and submitted my Permanent Residence application on December 19. However It can take up to 3 months to get the AOR. Sadly by then, there's a chance my current IEC - Young Professional visa will have expired (March 01). I will have to cease working on...
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    (Quebec) Apply for BOWP after IEC (Young Professional) visa expires or submit BOWP without AOR?

    Hello! I currently live in Montreal, QC. I have paid and submitted my Permanent Residence application on December 19. However It can take up to 3 months to get the AOR. Sadly by then, there's a chance my current IEC - Young Professional visa will have expired (March 01). I will have to cease...
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    Does applying to Young Professional grants Implied/Maintained Status if I am currently on a valid Open Post Graduate Work Visa

    Hello! I am currently on a Post Graduate Work Visa, that is still valid until January 5th. I just got invited to submit my application for Young Professional visa. If I do it, will it grant me Implied/Maintained Status? I can't find information on this anywhere online, I only see people saying...
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    Is it possible to apply to a Young Professional while waiting for a work visa (Implied Status)

    Thank you I understand what you mean better. I am so torn on what to do. Some people told me that they do make exceptions if you are a few days off if you get a kind officier but it's a gamble and like you said, it's risky. But if I don't do this I have no idea how to make money and pay rent...
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    Is it possible to apply to a Young Professional while waiting for a work visa (Implied Status)

    It is indeed! Oswald for the win! Can't I apply for a change of status AND an open visa as well? That way I can cover all situations. If money wasn't a problem I would do that but I really can't afford to stop working, I would not be able to pay my rent. Also my previous message didn't go...
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    Is it possible to apply to a Young Professional while waiting for a work visa (Implied Status)

    Maybe I should apply for a visitor visa too then just to be sure. I'll have to stop working but at least I can stay legally. Yeah it does feel like cheating but like I said, I am writting a letter with the application explaining the whole thing. I'm telling them I am 5 days off being granted a...
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    Is it possible to apply to a Young Professional while waiting for a work visa (Implied Status)

    Hey! I am from France. From what I read Young Professional are guaranteed and are quick to be granted. Why would I fall out of status? It takes 5months+ to get an answer for the open work permit (So I have 5 months of implied status) and the Young Professional opens on January 9th so I likely...
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    Is it possible to apply to a Young Professional while waiting for a work visa (Implied Status)

    Hello! I am on a post graduation visa. I am now working at a company but sadly I can't do LMIA so no closed work visa. However my current visa is expiring January 5th. I am going to apply for another open work visa which I am pretty sure will not get accepted since I don't really meet the...
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    PGWP and CERB

    So there you go ! It's official now ! The "may" means that you won't receive it if you don't meet the other eligibility requirements
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    PGWP and CERB

    But I don't think this website is accurate, it's nothing official and they don't cite their source. From an official source we have a direct contraction that states that temporary foreign workers do have access to it :
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    PGWP and CERB

    That's depressing but if that's the case why did some people at the government said that they were eligible
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    Work experience

    Yes! But you need proof you won 5000$ and lost your job because of Corona
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    Work experience

    No, apparently foreign with a work permit are going to get it as well.
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    PGWP and CERB

    Hello ! I have recently lost my job due to COVID. I was under contract as a Level Designer for the last 7 months, renewed every two weeks and meet the 5000$ qualifications. But I only have a Post-Graduation-Work-Permit so I don't know if the CERB is for only permanent residents or if it applies...