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  1. B

    PR application is stuck at Security assessment

    I m also same situation now? Did u get ur pr approval?
  2. B

    PR application is stuck at Security assessment

    I m also same situation now. Did u get ur pr approval?
  3. B

    PR application is stuck at Security assessment

    I am also same situation now. Hi friends, Please suggest My AOR: Jun 14 2024( pnp express) As my 5 years closed wp ends on 01st sep so I applied bowp on Aug 04th and bowp also in progress till now. Eligibility recommended pass on Aug 08th Till today security not started. I ordered gcms n...
  4. B

    Delay in PR process

    Hi friends, Please suggest My AOR: Jun 14 2024( pnp express- in land) As my 5 years closed wp ends on 01st sep so I applied bowp on Aug 04th and bowp also in progress till now. Eligibility recommended pass on Aug 08th security not started since 4 months I ordered gcms n verified, no...