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  1. H

    UIS Canada

    There is a big difference between a scam and fraud. If they were not a legal company they will not be registered as immigration office witch they are I did look it up and confirm thing. If as you say they are a scam why did I get a rebate and full payment on a tourist visa? Please read what is...
  2. H

    UIS Canada

    UIS Canada is in Vancouver there employees are Canadian. Please explain to me how its posible for them not to be related to Canada?
  3. H

    UIS Canada

    Thanks for that reply, just hope other people dont get scammed from there live savings to. UIS Canada know South Africa has a struggling economy so people take any chance to leave here, its a shame that a country I though was so great is so deceiving
  4. H

    UIS Canada

    My husband and I have been dealing with UIS Canada since 2016, every phone call they make is for money or some excuse we standing at an amount of over R100 000.00 now. We were told they entering us to the Job pool the amount was $ 3000.00 they never did this and we were told that with a score...