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  1. L

    Background verification

    A long time means one year or more and what if my offer expires during background check?
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    Background verification

    I've already read it, and it's not exactly true. I've heard of people who have been suffering for almost 2 years or even more, not only for their study permit but also for their travel visa.
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    Background verification

  4. L

    Background verification

    I did both. The agent said my profile is perfectly good and the only thing I can do is waiting. And I sent webforms to IRCC office but the only response I got is yes, we received you request....
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    Background verification

    Six weeks is still within IRCC's promised processing time, while mine has reached 12 weeks. I have already paid a significant amount of deposit, and switching to another country would be costly for me.
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    Background verification

    Hi, I would like to ask someone who is/was undergoing background verification how long it took for them. My situation is that my eligibility was completed, and the background verification started later. It has been in progress for around 1 month now. And my entire application process has been...
  7. L

    No update nearly one month after submission of non-SDS study permit application

    Same here, two Chinese no study permit via non SDS application now :eek:
  8. L

    Questions on channging DLI

    Hi, last month, I applied for a study permit for a college post-graduate diploma program, which is scheduled to start in September 2023. However, I have recently received another offer from NYIT for a program starting in the spring of 2024. Both offers are in the same field of study...
  9. L

    No update nearly one month after submission of non-SDS study permit application

    Same timeline here, my Biometrics was collected on 7th Jun then no updates anymore.
  10. L

    Need suggestion in finding universities and colleges

    But it does happen to my friend that he failed to meet the English requirement but still got the offer, he is currently a student of UOT, but it is true that English matters, he is struggling with his daily life and study now.
  11. L

    Need suggestion in finding universities and colleges

    But language is not the most important factor for your master's application, your GPA/publications/work experience weigh more value.
  12. L

    Need suggestion in finding universities and colleges

    I don't think your IELTS score will be a block, it is negotiable, some of my friends failed to meet the English requirements still got the direct offer after talking to the university staff.
  13. L

    Do I need ielts test for study permit?

    Thank you for your advice. I am thinking to work in a new industry that's why I think I need an education. I have tried to email some Canadian profs to surveilling me for master's study but have had no replies.
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    Do I need ielts test for study permit?

    I'm an OD civil engineer in the nuclear industry which is dominated by state-owned enterprises in China and they only hire top uni graduates, also, pursuing a PhD is a little bit difficult for me. I am thinking to gain a PG diploma in renewable energy then I can find jobs in related industries...
  15. L

    Do I need ielts test for study permit?

    Hi, I have recently received a PG diploma offer from Algonquin college, and my previous study was finished in 2017 with a master's degree in the UK. I start preparing for a study visa and am wondering whether I need an IELTS test score to convince the visa officer of my English proficiency. I...