1.yes he earn from farming activities
2. He hire one worker every year. He might have the evidence as well
3. Yes. My brother and grandmother are dependent on them.
4. House is owned by my father
5. The maximum they can show for both without borrowing is around $20000.
6. Do not know
7. He can...
If i want them to come in september stating for 2-3 weeks.
Can I apply for them now?
One another, does the documents they provided are correct or they need something else as well?
1. Their documents were
Proof of residency
House evaluation
Property papers/fixed deposits
Bank statements
The other documents given by me
My birth certificate
Study permit
Employment letter
Invitation letter
Bank statements
2. My mother is a housewife and my father...
I just checked the refusal letter. The only box checked is other reasons stating economic condition, travel history, Employment.
Can you please explain what is need to done to eliminate these reasons?
Thank you
I will double check if all the reasons were checked or not .
Since its been only 7-8 months from refusal.
Is it the right time to apply again ?
hi Everyone
I came to canada as a student. I applied for my parents to visit me in October 2016 on my graduation. The visa got refused with the following reasons :
Reason for travel to canada
Person's contacts in canada
Person ties to his or her country of residence
Ability to pay for himself...