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Search results

  1. Y

    sponsoring from outside -- enter Canada together?

    From my understanding they can both land at the same time and PR will be issued so long as there is sufficient proof that the sponsor intends to return to Canada.
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    a Little bit of hope!!

    Congrats!!! Have a wonderful and safe journey!!!
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    I'm not sure if it's anything like with inland; however I'm wondering if maybe they hadn't included the processing of the application at CPC-M first? That could be part of it. As well, with regards to background checks, they can be wayleighed if someone has been in the military, someone has a...
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    medical and pcc

    I believe the PCC is good for 6 months however depending on the circumstances and when they view it they may not require a second one.... on the other hand they may request one, it really depends on the I/O. In my understanding so long as the information is submitted to CIC in a timely manner...
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    medical and pcc

    Photos are not to be more than 6 months old. I'm not sure if there will be a problem with that.... I don't know what PCC is though so I can't help you determine that I'm sorry.
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    Medical is good for one year by itself, but CIC can extend it for another year, so hopefully that is the case for you. To determine whether or not they have extended it, I would call the CIC and ask them when your medical expires. As for how much longer I can't say for certain..... Have you...
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    Permanent residence expired

    If you have been living with your Canadian Citizen Husband during your time away from Canada it would count towards your residency requirement..... if he sponsored you for your PR that is.... hoping this is the case?
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    what exactly qualifies as social assistance

    I would write that you are not on social assistance, however if you are subsidized by the province with your rent you will lose that. Your health care provided by the province should be fine though :) We were in the same boat.... no longer get subsidized in housing, however we do still get...
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    Hello PMM (In-Canada Sponsorship)

    Assuming you were on Income Assistance I would definitely submit the extra information with a letter from your employer stating that you are and have been employed with them since whatever your start date was, as well as including your gross wage/monthly/annual earnings.
  10. Y

    How long until my foreign wife can work?

    It really depends on how you go about it. She could: a) Apply for a work permit if there is an employer here in Canada willing to sponsor her b) If she can get a visitor's visa you can apply inland and submit an application with her PR application for her Open Work Permit. An Open Work...
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    URGENTT: Need application of open Work permit

    It's an application to change conditions as in to change from visitor to work :)
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    Which is Easier??

    As well, was it not just announced that new skilled working applicants are being put on hold until the fall when Finley decides which skilled workers she wants to "cherry pick"? I am not part of this class so I can't say for certain as I personally have no experience in this, however this is...