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  1. ranoi


    Same here. They received my application on August 3 and until now my BD is still outstanding. I called CIO today and i was told to call back again in 2 weeks. They confirmed it is not returned/rejected. It is still unopened. But how come other applications received after mine have already...
  2. ranoi

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    SAme here happpened to me too! My application was received on August 3, BD not charged yet and when I called today, the agent told me to call back in two weeks. She also checked my name twice. I am also afriad my application got lost but how can that be?? My application was received by...
  3. ranoi

    ******After 26/6 file return join here******

    WHAT??!! what did your friend do? what about the IELTS? they just can't say "oops! we lost it! file another one!". the call center agent told me to call back in two weeks and if it is still unopened they will send a note to CIO follow up my application. I really hope they find it or else i...
  4. ranoi

    ******After 26/6 file return join here******

    Hey! I just called CIO and still my application is not yet in their system and asked to call back after 2 weeks. However, I asked if it was rejected/returned, they told me it was not returned because they have a list of returned applications. They said if the BD is still not encashed/cleared...
  5. ranoi

    ******After 26/6 file return join here******

    did you call CIO? did they give the reason of rejecting your application?
  6. ranoi

    ******After 26/6 file return join here******

    At what address did you send the letter? Did they mention the reason why it was rejected? Would the call center know if your application is rejected?
  7. ranoi

    ******After 26/6 file return join here******

    how did you know you're rejected? when did they receive your application? My application was received on August 3 and I called CIO asking about the status of my application. They told me they cannot find my name in the system. I also called the bank to find out if my BD was encashed/cleared...