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  1. L

    Any landings?

    I just landed yesterday...
  2. L

    what next - how long?

    not always all the files are trasnferrred to local consulates, some of them,I believe stay in Buffalo
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    Initial assement cic

    My case is in http://www.trackitt.com/member/lucho
  4. L

    Initial assement cic

    Does anybody know if ECAS will show when your initial assesment for permanent residence has been done, or will the only way you can know is by a letter you receive by mail and it will never show on ecas? Thanks
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    Still Waiting - for File # and medical

    It took me three months to get my AOR. Ecas cic is updated usually once a week on tuesdays as far as I know. Good luck. In my case i was able to see my ecas file number before i got the letter in the mail. GOOD LUCK AND BE PATIENT.
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    Medicals done

    Just did my medicals in Vancouver , BC. Duration: 2.5 hours including x-ray and blood work Price: 220 Canadian dollars, I advise people to shop around as prices vary, I found some doctors in the area charging as high as 389 dollars Results: 2-3 weeks according to the nurse -Had to do a...
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    I think in the future you should not use normal mail . I sent mine from British Columbia to Buffalo on March 23rd on Canada post priority mail and I got my file # on June 3rd.
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    Police Report from Mexico

    This is the official link for the requierements to get a police certificate in Jalisco if you have any questions with the translations let me know http://cienciasforenses.jalisco.gob.mx/requisitos.html Requisitos para obtener la Constancia de no Antecedentes Para personas mayores de edad...
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    Only for those whose files have been transfered to Local consulate.

    Aor June 3rd Medicals Requesr June 3rd Medicals June 26 My file was tranferred to Seattle June 17, 2009
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    Permanent resident application transferred to Seattle

    If my permanent resident application was transferred to Seattle, Do I have to sent changes of infomation to Seattle or to Buffalo if my application was sent to buffalo first? Will immigration Canada send me instructions on how to contact Seattle? Rumors are that Seattle is usually the slowest...
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    Only for those whose files have been transfered to Local consulate.

    How did they decide which files are transferred to each consulate.. Is it based on the location of the PNP applicant? eg. BC always go to Seattle??
  12. L

    Work Experience for BC PNP

    Yes I believe your GPA plays a role in your application, If I was you I would look for "bc guy or Leon" advise, who are member of this forum. I had a good GPA so it was not a problem for me. I am not 100% sure but I believe that under the international graduate category work experience does...
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    Work Experience for BC PNP

    You would apply as a international graduate. I was kind of in the same situation. Is your job related to your field of study???
  14. L

    Medicals in Vancouver

    Has anybody done the medical exams in the Vancouver area? If yes, What was the cost??
  15. L

    Notarising documents for cic, help wanted.

    I stamped my bank stataments while I also sent a notarized (lawyer) certified copies of the rest of the documents including passport copies, birth certificate etc etc...
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    Police Report from Mexico

    Some information I just got from them Hola buenas tardes Debido a que tramitaré una constancia de antecedentes registrales para mi hijo que radica en Canadá necesito saber lo siguiente: he leído en internet los requisitos al respecto, sin embargo hay algunas dudas que me quedaron, yo vivo...
  17. L

    Health Requirements/ Blood Sugar/ Urine Test!!

    I thought i would ask about the tattoos, this is what question 4 in the medical exams asks the doctors to indicate Skin, Lymph Nodes, and Breasts (Inspect skin for cancer, leprosy, surgical scars, and tattoos. Inspect neck, axilla, and groin for lymphadenopathy)
  18. L

    BC pnp work-permit

    Hello Does anybody know how much is the work permit granted under the pnp program? Is it an open work permit or is it only attached to your pnp employer? Thanks