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  1. N


    Hey Charlie, Yes I have 3 friends that have met him, 2 prior to us getting married and the third for the 2st time when we went to ja and got married.....I only have met 2 of his good friends, which one was best man at the wedding and 2 of his cousins which the male cousin was a grooms man at...
  2. N


    Good to know cause this is alot more complicated then I thought it would be....so with application I should be submitting all phone records including phone cards, any emails, option c print out, and bday cards ect, reciepts from sending stuff by canada post, and pics from the time we met in 2009...
  3. N


    Yes Charlie I did plan on including that with my paper work.....awwwhhhh this is so stressful lol......so should I maybe include my resume to support my work history as well or no?
  4. N


    Hey Charlie, This has all happened before Feb 2011 and yes I have been working since Feb of dis year and I also have a letter from social assistance staing that I was on assitance for medical reasons and am no longer on it.
  5. N


    Thanks for getting back Charlie....SFI Medical is Social assistance from the government....I had started a new job and then got pregnant and because my son was born very premature the doctor didnt want to tek no chance with my daughter so i had to go on bed rest and didnt have enough hours for...
  6. N


    I know this might sound stupid but what is PPR? lol...lol.....and I also have another question.....Im just in the beginning of the sponsorship process :( and am really stressed out bout all of this.....I want and need to know how long you have to wait before you can send off the papers after you...
  7. N

    Daughter born without her daddy present..will it affect sponsorship process?

    Yes indeed I will come join...its actually a fren that recommended this site to me as she just got some good news today too that hubby is finally good to go and should be in canada in da next 2 weeks from Jamaica....Respect to you both see you in da forum soon!! :)
  8. N

    Daughter born without her daddy present..will it affect sponsorship process?

    Thanks so much Charlie D & Mrs proper....I just feared that if he wasnt on there it was cause problems or denial of sponsorship cause like you Mrs.Proper we were just gonna add him on BC once he got here. He is from Jamaica and I know sometimes there are a bit harder with Jamaicans so thats why...
  9. N

    Daughter born without her daddy present..will it affect sponsorship process?

    I wanted and need to know if its wise to send papers to my husband to fill out from a canadian registry to have him put on our daughters birth certificate before I proceed to hand in sponsorship papers. My daughter was concieved in another country but she was born in Canada but my husband was...