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  1. I


    I am sorry I forgot to ask can I apply simultaneously for both of them TRP and Rehabilitation
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    Thank you for replaying.No I have not apply for the TRP because they told me is useless
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    Thank you very much for your advices if is helpfull for you to know the advise was given to my wife over the phone with CBSA agent on the other side and they said also that I will probably never get rehabilitated and is like shot in the dark.Your opinion is very much appreciated.Tx
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    Thank you sir
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    Thank you but I was told by “nonprofessional”that since the Deportation Order was not executed I have to go back some how to Canada get officially deported then wait another 5 years in order to apply.Is this true?
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    Do you have a good one that you can recommend
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    Hi There I was permanent resident from 1999 till 2012,From 2009 to 2012 I was under a “stay of deportation order” for few non violent convictions ,well just when I taught that this “ stay”was expired i traveled to Germany where I was arrested and convicted for fraud and received 2.4 years of...
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    Thanks again but i allready spoke with a very prominent lawyer and he really does not know what to answear as situation is complicated,the think is that i can end up in Canada if i really want to, regarding how and when,the problem is that i don't want to go true the BS.The lawyer seems to...
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    dear Scylla thank you for your replays but what about if i dont want to rennounce my PR status,an ''accidently'' end up in Canada, then what,since more then 5 years has past since my last conviction,just looking for opinions
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    UUPPSSS change of situation as of today: My wife went to her MP office to demend speedy aproval of TRP,,, after one hour on the phone the MP informed my wife that acording to imigration Canada i am still Permanent Resident,acording to CBSA i am not because deportation order has been issued but...
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    Hi guys here is my dilema, i have been deported on the grounds of serios criminality(Fogery) after being PR Resident for 12 years,I am Bulgarian passport holder which is visa free to Canda but still requers ETA.I am curently living and working in Mexico.Married to a Canadian citizen and have an...