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  1. A

    Is it ok to travel for Family illness/death duties while waiting for PR Visa?

    She should be Okay to travel. If she has her AIP, most likely no problems at all. I traveled while I was waiting for my PR, I had no problems getting back in. Just be honest and tell them why she had to leave.
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    Make sure to have a plenty of pics for you guys in different dates and locations, plus bills, leases, boarding tickets, passport stamps, emails, phone bills, same-address documents, pretty much anything that relates for both of you guys. Plus be prepared for an interview with many tricky questions.
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    It took so long cuz they were waiting on background checks. In your case Black-berry, I think they transferred your file to a local office cuz they're not sure about your marriage. Most likely what will happen is make you wait and then have you for an interview for both of you and your sponsor...
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    Thank you guys. Processing was so slow, and all of the sudden just gone crazy fast.
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    Things gone out of Control. My Landing interview is NEXT WEEK, one week notice :) !!! Decision made last week, landing interview next week, couldn't ask for more, I wasn't even expecting it till at least middle of next month. Thanks God for everything. Good luck for all inlanders.
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    Thank you. I heard my local office is fast, cuz it's a small city, Barrie. So I really hope that it does not take forever till they send us our landing interview.
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    Finalllllly Decision Made, and file transferred to my local office!!!!!!!!!! After 22 months of waiting it's over now yeaaaaah!! I just can't believe it. I had to wait so long cuz of the background checks, then I had a complaint against CSIS for delaying my file, and it worked! Briefly here's...
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    FOSS ??

    It's free, just fill out the application and mail it. You should hear back from them with all the info in a month.
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    How does your MP helped in your applications

    Just adding up to what I mentioned earlier. MP can check the status of your application and see what's going on, more importantly MP can request a bring forforad for your file if your file is sitting there doing nothing. The only thing MP can't do is to interfer with CSIS when they are...
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    How does your MP helped in your applications

    MP would definitively help out if he/ she is Libral or NDP! Other than that don't count on anything.
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    Response from CSIS???

    Normally, they should get back to you within 30-days period. They wouldn't let you the progress of the background checks or the expected date to send them to the embassy. All what they tell you is, if they have received a request for security checks from CIC and if it was done or still progress...
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    My bring forward date is supposed to be this Friday May 14. I am from Lebanon. They only asked for the fingerprints which I sent back in July. They said they have everything except the background checks. Looking at the FOSS notes, I noticed that they do the Bring Forward every second month...
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    I think its the background checks that delays the process after you get AIP. I got my AIP back in June 2009 and I am still waiting. Ordered FOSS notes last month, it says waiting on background checks. It is ridiculous how long it could take.
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    Compaint to Security Intelligence Review Committee

    CSIS had the file for almost a year, ya I kinda have the feeling that they wouldn't do much.
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    Compaint to Security Intelligence Review Committee

    I did contact CSIS back in October and they only thing they said that background checks are in progress. I filed a complaint to SIRC last month, so they asked for a copy of the letter I sent to CSIS and the response I received, so I mailed that to them. Got a letter recently from SIRC that I...
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    Compaint to Security Intelligence Review Committee

    Has anyone made a complaint to the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) regarding the delay in Background checks conducted by CSIS and what was the results? Or does anyone have any idea how far SIRC can go with the complaint? Thanks
  17. A

    Complaint to Security Intelligence Review Committee!!

    Has anyone made a complaint to the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) regarding the delay in Background checks conducted by CSIS and what was the results? Or does anyone have any idea how far SIRC can go with the complaint? Thank you
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    marriage fell apart, was approved but not landed yet, can i cancel sponsorship?

    Yes you can cancel as long as he hasn't landed yet. You have to do that through writing to CIC.
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    Does it matter how soon after marriage you submit the PR app?

    How come your processing time will be 18-20 months?
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    Does it matter how soon after marriage you submit the PR app?

    It doesn't matter how soon after marriage you submit your sponsorship application as long you provide documents to support your relationship.