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  1. F


    A lot seem to have changed since I went through this process. Are individuals getting interview at the end as oppose to the beginning of the process. There is still so much love and anticipation in the air. Do you know exactly what you are signing up for ladies? I don't think you do. The waiting...
  2. F


    Thanks moms and pops... For your strength, your wit, your courage.. I owe my freedom to you. I will honour and cherish your memory forever! "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus...
  3. F


    Wrapping up... To all the Angelina's! Regardless of your motive, I thank you and the others with blood running through your veins. Thank you for standing up. Watch the remaining series at will http://youtu.be/TcYivpmTYBM
  4. F


    Quotation by Franz Kafka If all responsibility is imposed on you, then you may want to exploit the moment and want to be overwhelmed by the responsibility; yet if you try, you will notice that nothing was imposed on you, but that you are yourself this responsibility.
  5. F


    Our spirit cannot be broken... http://youtu.be/H9UzRoZXlc0
  6. F


    Transformation and change.... power to the people! http://youtu.be/eAM2-hg7xJs http://youtu.be/PhWvxc99anY
  7. F


    Finally the African race has reclaimed their former glory... who Jah bless no man curse. I know the thieves are planning to pillage and plunder..- it will be a fight to the end this time. BEAUTIFUL BLACK SOUL! http://youtu.be/rK-qy-x5XLk (Matt Schuler) http://youtu.be/kD2rSXDPkNU
  8. F


    I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes, hate in my heart, love on my mind... says Annie Palmer..what a contradiction! prison, death, destruction awaits John by the hand of EVE! Good luck Dear John! http://youtu.be/Ph2cKXA2Mjs
  9. F


    Obeah wedding... what a thing when the spell wear off.... http://youtu.be/XzhjFXTwXyk
  10. F


    I am Canadian.. so proud of it. http://youtu.be/bV_041oYDjg (You Americans are serious.. What a way to say it without saying it) http://youtu.be/HOm-15621bs http://youtu.be/Uogdn7zWDmY http://youtu.be/2ic3xNfEP_o
  11. F


    I love my ebony skin, my tight curly brown hair, my curvaceous body. my fully formed lips, brown eyes that see right through you. and a winning personality that can't be put to shame I am beautiful, wonderful, excellent is my name You can't destroy me, I am no longer your slave. You can...
  12. F


    I know that line prompted the question... hence my remarks. Since you seek clarification I will answer. I spoke about life and death in that post. Spoke about the fact that we are more similar than different. Yet you zoned in on that statement.. Why? I wanted to say since race was the only...
  13. F


    This is your statement.. not mine!. If you are asking who I am married to - then the answer is a black man, a rastaman. Who you marry is your own prerogative! Unless you make my opinion of your choices a reasonable question of debate, there is no need to dignify this question with an answer...
  14. F


    knowledge is power even if I don't agree so I posted the "story" about Tilipia but will be removing it soon, I would not want to give long term credence to such blatant racist propaganda. Shop at your own risk, eat at your own risk since everything produced these days contain poison. Note also...
  15. F


    Second Gear.... Winnie Mandela When we think of the great man... Nelson Mandela, we think of his courage, his strength, his work etc.. but fail to see that without this great woman Winnie, he could have died in prison, lost to the world. This is the only woman for whom I would curtsy. I would...
  16. F


    “Greed, envy, sloth, pride and gluttony: these are not vices anymore. No, these are marketing tools. Lust is our way of life. Envy is just a nudge towards another sale. Even in our relationships we consume each other, each of us looking for what we can get out of the other. Our appetites are...
  17. F


    In the true spirit of "VALENTINE"... dedicated to all the ladies and gents who had a taste of "LOVE" and find you are better off without it. And for those who have fallen in the well of love I bid you adieu. For those standing strong ina the trenches with love under your feet I say Bravo...
  18. F


    Just when I started to accept that I am just an old crazy lady, I stumble upon another dude who seems to be crazy too.. This man black history commentaries seems to be in sink with my own on many levels. I know if I were to be loved and accepted I could not post these things.. If I had plans to...
  19. F


    I believe this video embodies a lot of what I have discussed thus far.. but goes further to highlight the psychological damage done to Africans as a result of been uprooted from their heritage, culture.. They lost their name and true identity which leaves an emptiness that cannot be filled. It...
  20. F


    Goodnight... http://youtu.be/p9JDqtZsni4