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Search results for query: diabetes

  1. P

    Can I get insurance for my parents, if they have diabetes/high blood pressure

    Can I get insurance for my parents, if they have diabetes/high blood pressure. I am applying for super visa. If so what insurance providers offer it
  2. P

    Medical for Kid 8 years type 1 diabetes

    ...using CRS calculator as 445 and hopefully if I will apply , I will get ITA soon....unfortunately, One of my kids recently diagonosed as diabetes type 1 ...he is 8 years old and we just know his illness at last April.... Is that will lead to fail in medical examination and so rejection of our...
  3. M

    Moving to Vancouver with Type 1 Diabetes

    Hi, my girlfriend and I are moving from the UK to Vancouver in October and I have Type 1 diabetes and was wondering if anyone else had any help or advice about how much medication they took as I've read you are allowed to bring a 90 day supply but I've heard some people saying they took more and...
  4. F

    diabetes - medical test for express entry PR

    ...I recently received ITA and will be undergoing medical test with a panel physician soon. I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how diabetes can affect my application for express entry. I am a healthy male, age 30. I mean I am at a pre-diabetic stage, last time I had my medical done...
  5. S

    Family history of Diabetes, but I never had one

    ...( grandparents having such and such or parents having such and such) Is there any further tests required if you have family history of diabetes? I never had one, though I do not know now. If doctor asks for family history and you said NO but your tests shows your sugar is high, what would...
  6. U

    Medical Exam report mentions diabetes and blood in urine

    ...uploaded for me and my spouse. My medical examination report has the Grading 'B' with a comment ' Early 2016 diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Well controlled with Metformin 500mg BD, no end-organ complications.' Additionally, it also attaches the report for '704 Serum Creatinine' test and...
  7. S

    Diabetes Diagnosed post AOR. How to inform CIC?

    ...that it will not stop them from sending the medical results to CIC. Post this I applied for PR and after a while I got myself checked for diabetes (type 2) and I have started on medication for this a couple of weeks ago. So, 1. How do I inform CIC about this diagnosis? I looked at the...
  8. A

    Medical Examination

    diabetes how about diabetes? would it be a problem, too?
  9. S

    Can Type 1 diabetes be a problem for immigration to Canada?

    ...on 21 Dec 2020 and still no updates on PR due to slow processing by IRCC in these covid times. In May 2020, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and now I am on insulin therapy. My blood sugars are under control and BP, weight everything is normal. My worry is , now that everybody is getting...
  10. S


    Typically having diabetes shouldn't be a problem. But it depends on the seriousness of the diabetes. If someone with diabetes has early signs of kidney failure (for example) - it's possible they could be refused.
  11. S

    Diabetic .....any prob in visa????

    Type 2 diabetes less problem Type 1 diabetes could be a problem.
  12. N

    question please

    I know people with type 2 diabetes immigrated and got the PR without any problems. I am not sure about type 1 diabetes though, that is sometimes complicated as is juvenile diabetes . and may require further tests. Once again you need to to tell if you have diabetes and doctor will do the rest...
  13. S


    Depends how bad the diabetes is. If the diabetes is controlled, it shouldn't be a problem.
  14. C

    what tests are done in under medical tests

    All depends on the type of diabetes and whether the diabetes in under control. Also whether there has been damage caused by uncontrolled diabetes. If you don't need insulin it shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't have other medical issues.
  15. B

    What EXACTLY Happens During the Medical Phase ?

    Is controlled Type2 Diabetes a disadvantage to an Applicant? Better said, can Type2 diabetes lead to refusal?
  16. V

    Where to find the cheapest drug dispensing fees in Canada?

  17. Rendezvous70

    Medical examination and inadmissibility Canada

    Hi guys , Can diabetes be a reason for rejection ? One of my friend got diabetes and appeared for his medicals
  18. B

    question please

    Helpmeimmigrate, How about Diabetes, as I have seen this on the medical's questionnaire form you have to fill. Does type2 diabetes or Type 1 diabetes have a negative impact on one's case? I think your response to this will help a lot of people.
  19. O

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Which type of Diabetes? A or B? Any known cases from the past?
  20. Benjamin Sapkota

    Diabetes patient clear medical exam plz help

    ...ask u for additional tests to see that ur vital organs like heart and kidney are not damage........so must probably ECG and CREATININE at very nominal charge... all the best for medical...... and bro start taking care of ur health............ diabetes is a silent killer....... regards...