CEC Inland
ITA: 16-Apr-2021
AOR: 15-Jun-2021
Completeness Check (R10): Complete (20-Jul called IRCC)
Medicals: Passed (19-Jul)
Biometrics: Exempt - update previous ref (19-Jul)
UCI: Back to original (19-Jul)
Criminality: Passed (20-Jul called IRCC)
Info Sharing: has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Review of Eligibility (A11.2): has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Security: has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Final Decision:
Visa Office: Ottawa (20-Jul called IRCC)
CEC Inland
ITA: 16-Apr-2021
AOR: 15-Jun-2021
Completeness Check (R10): Complete (20-Jul called IRCC)
Medicals: Passed (19-Jul)
Biometrics: Exempt - update previous ref# (19-Jul)
UCI: Back to original (19-Jul)
Criminality: Passed (20-Jul called IRCC)
Info Sharing: has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Review of Eligibility (A11.2): has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Security: has not started yet (20-Jul called IRCC)
Final Decision:
Visa Office: Ottawa 20-Jul called IRCC)