IELTS: L 8.5/R 9/W 8.5/S 8.5
CRS score: 467
EE Profile Created: Aug 30, 2019
NOC 0124
- Location
- Category........
- NOC Code......
- Gender
- Occupation
CRS 467 / IELTS L8.5 R9 W8.5 S8.5 / ECA - Master's Degree / NOC 0124
VO - Ottawa; COR - USA; Nationality - Russia
ITA 9/4/2019 AOR 9/26/2019 MEP/BIL 10/9/2019 Biometrics given 10/25/2019 ADR (CV+Grad Kit) 2/25/2020
Medicals extended - February 9th 2021
Extended medicals expired - 10/28/2021
Remedical request - 12/02/2021
Remedical given - 12/17/2021
Remedical passed - 12/24/2021
PPR - FEBRUARY 4th 2022
Passports delivered to VFS NY - February 8th 2022
Approved in the portal/CoPR issued - February 23rd 2022
Landed - March 18th (Queenston/Lewiston bridge)
Dependents landing - TBD