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Recent content by theeeiam

  1. T

    Citizenship tracker tracker application (in Python)

    Yes, it was just a substitute for obsessively checking manually which really relieved me because I was going to obsessively check anyway. Actually all my updates came in between 04:00 and 04:30 ET, and it was nice to wake up to a message that some progress was made and what exactly happened. I...
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    June 2023 - Citizenship Applications

    Unknown yet.
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    June 2023 - Citizenship Applications

    Got my oath date today. See also my thread on automatic tracking of the citizenship tracker: https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/citizenship-tracker-tracker-application-in-python.829493/ Full timeline: Type: Online application Location: Toronto Physical...
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    Citizenship tracker tracker application (in Python)

    I created a program that automatically checks the citizenship tracker and alerts me when the status updates. It served me well during my application process (I just got the oath date today). I'm sharing the source code here. Since this was just for personal use, I never made it overly user...
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    June 2023 - Citizenship Applications

    Update: test invite letter received P.S. my AOR doesn't appear on the tracker yet even though I posted an update P.P.S. I never got any "in process" notification nor test interview. There was just the AOR on Jul. 25 and test invite today.
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    June 2023 - Citizenship Applications

    Update: AOR received
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    June 2023 - Citizenship Applications

    Type: Online application Location: Toronto Physical Presence Days: 1096 Application: Single Application sent: 2023-06-25 Delivered: 2023-06-25 AOR: Waiting
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    Bringing in life savings from abroad

    I immigrated to Canada about a year ago (in-land landing). While I'm fully a tax resident here, I still have quite a bit of money abroad (just about $200k). That's a result of salary and investment that has been properly taxed abroad. The money has moved around between several tax jurisdictions...
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    CEC Applicants - Feb. 2020 *JOIN HERE*

    IRCC is total garbage. I don't know how Sean Fraser is doing now but it's a disgrace that Mendicino is still in cabinet after the mess he let be. That being said, the Indian government is little better, or more likely worse. Your Indian citizenship and Canadian residence are completely...
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    CEC Applicants - Feb. 2020 *JOIN HERE*

    These particular data aren't publicly available to my knowledge, I have them because I made a special request, which anyone can do through email. Here are the instructions: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/reports-statistics/statistics-open-data.html In my case...
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    CEC Applicants - Feb. 2020 *JOIN HERE*

    @proprek1986 @goudam are you guys inland on some kind of work permits, or waiting abroad? If in Canada, have you contacted your MPs? What about looking at your GCMS records? Either way I would say your situation is unacceptable... When I was waiting for a long time it crossed my mind to really...
  12. T

    PR Confirmation Portal: eCoPR after submitted address, photo

    No, that's not at all the eCOPR. As I said, the eCOPR is a formal digital document in a PDF format. It has a unique document number and some identifying details, and can be used as a proof of your status -- for example I used it to issue a new social insurance number in lieu of a PR card. The...
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    PR Confirmation Portal: eCoPR after submitted address, photo

    These questions are supposed to be sent before you get the PR Confirmation Portal credentials, so it's extremely weird that you got it after you got your eCOPR already... You sure you got the eCOPR though? That's a PDF document with the title "CONFIRMATION OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE". If yes, then I...
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    CEC Applicants - Feb. 2020 *JOIN HERE*

    Congratulations! Believe me I know the frustration, and I'm mostly bitter about the whole experience, but it's in the past now and you'll soon forget about it and move on. I'm already counting the days to be able to apply for citizenship (I'm sure that's gonna be a lot of fun again...)
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    CEC Applicants - Feb. 2020 *JOIN HERE*

    Yes, I had two BOWPs (applied for the first one together with the PR application, and the second one about a year later). The AOR was Feb. 14, here is my full timeline <link> (and it took about two weeks from the eCOPR to get the card in the post).