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Recent content by tco23

  1. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Yes, it was the moral of the story. The unprecedented pandemic very much delayed everything during my time as a PR myself - from citizenship test to passport. On the flip side, IRCC has transitioned into pretty much completely online (paperless) applications (citizenship and passport, along with...
  2. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    My last update for now: After the call last Mon, my passport was issued on 1 Nov, the next day, and mailed to me today. From the date of acknowledgement, it took 200 days for me to obtain a new and first passport. Meanwhile, I thanked the MP office again for its intervention which I think...
  3. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    it can vary a lot. I heard someone made it in 2 weeks visiting Newmarket for a renewal. I am myself in Toronto still waiting for my passport to be printed since last week, some 6 months after. I sent 1+ requests back in July, 2+ months after my mailing of application in late April, and the...
  4. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Canada Post probably has a new practice of... asking people for ID and at the post office. At least I think it is the case in my area. In the past maybe people just showed up at their door.
  5. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Good morning! My second last update because of this short but important call from someone who I'll name as M, possibly the same guy who hung up back on Oct 11. In 2 weeks, that's before Nov 17 when I would have called for confirmation of travel plan and yada yada before my trip. Assume it's...
  6. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    I had references but still it's all under processing. I had a long story in prior replies. What's different is I have no outstanding issue, the local office has my case, and a local MP's officer is doing calls for me.
  7. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    I already wrote earlier but anyway 1. the local office 2 weeks ago hanged up the call after saying it was too early to call (and not until mid Nov, 20 business days before my trip). 2. the above MP officer, I do thank him, is helping by doing calls. He was also under the idea that it could have...
  8. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    My case is similar and I can in fact write an "update". Today, I wrote back to the MP officer "what if I had no travel plan?" If I am not travelling, I could not know when I would eventually get the passport. Maybe 2023, 8 months after or longer. Everyone on earth can do a ton of things in...
  9. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Again, this is not an update: -back on 11 Oct, the 6th hotline officer "transferred" my application to the local office for "pickup on Oct 21". The local office asked me to call back, I said the travel date was in Dec, then this guy said "too early", "call back on Nov 30/Dec 1", and then hanged...
  10. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    well this MP of my area, or his staffer, is quite responsive. I have no update, really, but I am about to write again on how I still have no news from the local office as yet.
  11. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    hm.... I think the local office called me first.
  12. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    For those who need a pick up, you can skip to the last point. 1. The MP office is following up with me and found my file transfer was still for 21 Oct. 2. I am not exactly sure but I guess the intervention helped. 3. I made a 7th call on Oct 11 and the 7th officer talked to the 6th just to see...
  13. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Today's update is almost not an update. 1. I called the sixth officer and (she) immediately put me on a file transfer. OK. 2. Soon after, the local passport office called me, finally I knew my file number after 5 months, but this officer questioned me over travel date, destination, and by what...
  14. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    I heard nothing but from what you have above, it seems to be some progress for your case. I feel the need of calling again simply because I was told many times, any time during my timeline, that agents can be at-home workers who do work for the federal but not necessarily regular nor dedicated...
  15. tco23

    Canadian Passport - Mail-In Application Timelines

    Well, I say sorry in advance for not having a real update. My most recent file date was 15 Sep when I gave clarifications about my application. From that date, 20 business days could mean until 17 Oct. But I started in April, so that's 25 weeks between late April and 17 Oct. But I am quite sure...