

CEC (Inland) | CRS: 520 | IELTS: CLB 9 | ITA: Sept 1, 2022 | AOR: Oct 20, 2022 | MEP: Nov 9, 2022 | GU1: Jan 25, 2023 | Background Check Completed: Jan 26, 2023 | GU2: Feb 1, 2023 | PFL(Intend to live outside of QC): Feb 1, 2023 | Documents submitted for PFL (Submitted via webform): Feb 14, 2023 | Documents received acknowledgement: Feb 15, 2023 | GU3: Feb 27, 2023 |
Portal Email | VO: Montreal | PR Confirmation: Mar 2, 2023 | Portal Credentials: Mar 3, 2023 | Photo/Address Upload: Mar 3, 2023 | eCoPR: Mar 6, 2023 | PR Card: May 23, 2023