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Recent content by muneebahmedu

  1. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    I have checked and issue is resolved, please check and confirm.
  2. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    System will go to maintenance today, hope fully it will resolve today.
  3. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Your profile is locked post ita, once you submit your form even IELTS test expire (as per some consultants). if you wait you will have to enter new ielts details and score.
  4. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    anyone issue resolved after system maintenance?
  5. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    According to some social media group, the issue resolved shortly. Hope soo.
  6. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Did you do in personal detail -> immigration and citizenship section, as I have to claim sibling points and i need to add brother in immediate family section and no postal code option is available here, really appreciate your response
  7. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Time lapses, no news even on ircc website unfortunately
  8. M

    Personal Details Form Status stuck at "In Progress"

    Same issue still waiting for resolution
  9. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Unfortunately issue remain same, after login into incognito mode and clear cache
  10. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Since maintenance is complete same issue is coming
  11. M

    Personal details remain in progress after maintenance

    Yes I am facing same issue, did you resolve the issue?