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Recent content by magicangmoh

  1. magicangmoh

    Singapore VO. Let's connect.

    Dear friends of this post, I wanted to thank you all for the past months of exchanges and discussions, and many many of your posts read attentively every day ! We have now officially received our PPR yesterday (details in my signature and on myimmitracker) We will submit our passports for the...
  2. magicangmoh

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Dear friends of this post, I wanted to thank you all for the past months of exchanges and discussions, and many many of your posts read attentively every day ! We have now officially received our PPR yesterday (details in my signature and on myimmitracker) We will submit our passports for the...
  3. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Dear friends of this post, I wanted to thank you all for the past months of exchanges and discussions, and many many of your posts read attentively every day ! We have now officially received our PPR yesterday (details in my signature and on myimmitracker) We will submit our passports for the...
  4. magicangmoh

    Singapore VO. Let's connect.

    Congrats to you !!! and all the best to your new life in Canada ! We just passed to IP2 today !!! dreaming of getting PPR very soon :-))
  5. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    May the Gods of CIC be with you and grant you fast progress :)
  6. magicangmoh

    Singapore VO. Let's connect.

    Hello nice people ! I would believe we would also be under Sg VO as we are SG residents. I just emailed today CIC Ottawa to find out about the current status of our application as we didnt have any progress since 15 Aug when BG went to NA2...since then no news :( You can see my case on...
  7. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Taourimr, Normallement cela devrait prendre 6 mois - comme promis par CIC. Cependant dans la realite, les cas / delais different. Tu devrais suivre d'autres tracker sur https://myimmitracker.com/en/trackers suivant ton mois d AOR :) Moi je suis dans ceux du mois de Mai 2017 ! Courage -...
  8. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Hello Zaloony - for me, it tooks about 18 days between Submitted to Assessment. Be Patient...it is just the 1st journey :-) After your nomination, you will be like many of us in another "waiting game" journey, the PR submission. Hope you will get updates very soon !
  9. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Merci ! oui je vous updaterai tous des que le dossier CIC bouge... Wait and See :)
  10. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Congratulations mooncef. My advice 1 - do not omit / do not hide missing information. In other words, be very honest and open about the fact the the employer does not exist anymore. Having a one year "gap" is not helping to make your overall application credible. As much as I was able to, I...
  11. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Un petit update avant le week end ! Medical exam passes en famille hier... et nous avons recu aujourd'hui la confirmation du medical exam en pdf pour chaque membre de famille. Nous avons donc pu soumettre notre dossier aujourd'hui !!! Il nous fallait tout de meme payer les frais :-) A present...
  12. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Blokik - non ce n'est marque nulle part - cependant beaucoup de candidates pour l'invitation a la nomination ont bien mis francais comme premiere langue... car pour le French Speaking Skilled Worker, le francais est bien la prioritie :-)
  13. magicangmoh

    Singapore applicants for Express Entry - Plz network here to share the ideas

    I I dont believe you should worry :) except if you plan to rob a bank til your submission ! :-)
  14. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Mooncef et Bienvenue dans la "piscine" (ahahah) Voici un petit recap de ce dont tu as besoin pour remplir les conditions de l'Ontario Immigration Program pour French Speaking Skilled Worker Criteria for Permanent Residence in Canada (Canada Immigration and Citizenship -CIC) via Ontario...
  15. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Dont Fear, Just Believe :) We never like medical check ups - but hopefully all will be fine as you say ! Cheers