

Inland BC PNP (Non-Express Entry)
  1. Application Received (AR) : Feb 20, 2023
  2. Acknowledge of Receipt (AoR) : March 31, 2023
  3. Pre-Arrival Letter (PAL): August 21, 2023
  4. Medical Request (MR): Not Applicable
  5. Medical Passed (MP): August 25, 2023 *(Old Medical Accepted)*
  6. Background Verification: September 28, 2023 (Completed)
  7. Portal 1: September 28, 2023 (Replied on the same day)
  8. Portal 2: October 05, 2023 (Uploaded requested documents on the same day)
  9. eCOPR: Waiting
  10. PR Card: Waiting
