Kiwi Indian



Online Application
Location: Milton
App Type: Family of 2, adult and a child
Physical Presence Days: 1096
App Sent Date August 2, 2024.
App Delivered Date: August 2, 2024
AOR: August 12, 2024
Tracking Link:
Test Invite:
Test office:
Test Interview Date:
Test Completed Date:
Fingerprints Print Request:
Fingerprints Received:
Background Complete:
Language Complete:
Prohibitions Complete:
Physical Presence Complete:
Decision Made:
Oath Letter:
Oath Date:

CRS - 471 | IELTS - (9/8.5/7/8 in LRWS) | ECA - Master's Equivalency Law Degree |
Ontario NOI Received -
June 04, 2020 |
Application Submission -
June 10, 2020 |
Ontario Nomination -
July 17, 2020 |

New Score - 1045

ITA - 22 July 2020 | AOR - 10 August 2020 | MEP/BIL - 21 September 2020
| Biometrics Completed - 09 October 2020 | PPR - 21 October 2020 | COPR - 30 October 2020 in the mail | Landed on 12 February 2021 | PR Cards received 15 April 2021