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Recent content by GusCunha

  1. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Yes, in my case, there was no Permission Release and Consent form, so no need to worry about it.
  2. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    I'm in Toronto
  3. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    I took the Oath on Feb 9th and got the Citizenship Certificate yesterday. The whole process took a few days over 2 years, but it's finally over. Thank you all that helped me during the process and good luck to those who are still waiting. Now, onto getting a passport.
  4. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

  5. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Guys, the ceremony instructions website (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-citizenship/become-canadian-citizen/citizenship-ceremony.html) mentions a "Permission Release and Consent form (included with the notice)", but I don't see it with my notice. And...
  6. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Thanks! Scarborough office Feb 9th. I'd emailed them before and they said that the letter is sent 1 week before the ceremony date.
  7. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Oath Ceremony letter received today. Can someone update my status in the tracker? Thanks.
  8. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    My tracker got updated with the ceremony date. I got my test invitation from IRCC.DNCitSCRScheduling-ConvocationSCRCitRN.IRCC@cic.gc.ca, what office is that? Nevermind, just found it, it's Scarborough
  9. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    My citizenship ceremony is scheduled on on February 9, 2022, but I still haven't received any instructions about it. I see some people receiving them as late as 1 week before the ceremony day, but also some people who haven't received anything at all and had to contact IRCC. I tried sending a...
  10. GusCunha

    Need help! - NOC 2174, date when one first became qualified

    I can't remember exactly what I did, but I didn't have any issues with that, it was all good.
  11. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    How long does it usually take between the tracker showing the Oath Ceremony date and to receive the email showing the instructions? I got an Oath Ceremony date updated on Nov 17th, but haven't got any email updates yet.
  12. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    On Nov 15th I got Prohibitions, Physical Presence and Language Skills updated to Completed, but my Background Verification was updated from Completed to In Progress. What does that mean? Also, the old tracker shows Decision Made, but I don't see any date there. I suppose it was on Nov 15th too...
  13. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Totally agree. It took me longer to take a good photo than the test
  14. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    Hey guys, Took the test today, 20/20 :D When should I expect my tracker to show any updates, approximately?
  15. GusCunha

    February 2020 - Citizenship Applicants

    I thought I'd only receive the test invite once Language Skills, Background Check, Physical Presence and Prohibitions were completed, but doesn't seem to be the case. Is it normal for them to do that?