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Recent content by fatani

  1. F

    Ray of Hope - 112th Draw

    Lol what are you guys talking about check the scores and threads of 2015 and 2016 the average scores were 475-485 and score never fell below 450. Even 450 was a distant dream back then.
  2. F

    Has any had their 1 Year PGD from Virtual University (Pakistan) evaluated by WES?

    Fahad bhai add me into the group as well +923353992017
  3. F

    Thank you >>>>>>>>> Legalfalcon <<<<<<<<<<<

    Hey legalfalcon I want to seek your advice in one typical case. One of my friend is from Pakistan. He completed bachelor 2 yrs program in 2016. Then started his masters 2 yrs program he has given his final exams in july 2018. Now we checked IQAS it recognize 2yrs bachelors in combination...
  4. F

    ACCA and B.com from Pakistan/Need Help!!

    B.com is 2 yr post secondary diploma not 1 year
  5. F

    Eligibility of NOC 2282 as work experience

    Thank you for helping us out and I hope @mr.preetsingh will now be satisfied and I feel sorry for all his victims for which he has shattered their immigration dreams by providing false information and claiming himself as a consultant without basic know how. I hope people will remain free of such...
  6. F

    Eligibility of NOC 2282 as work experience

    Lol the thing which you are showing is that medical professionals cant do with wes or iqas. I was saying all along the one cant practice as a doctor or lawyer without its relevant degree in any country of the world. But other than that you dont need to meet employment requirements as shown by...
  7. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Now check this reply of @legalfalcon you consultant
  8. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Providing another proof Check out this video of ex immigration officer of IRCC and currently a top notch immigration lawyer explaining it with great source of IRCC.
  9. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    I respect his opinion but one should be able to back his claims like i did. if cic states that you dont need to demonstrate employment requirements and even then only your case got rejected because of employment requirements you can challenge them. And I have not seen any case on this forum got...
  10. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Look you can ask lots of experts like @legalfalcon who is working as a professional lawyer and on this forum he told me many a times that every country has its own set of rules. Like you know that in each country there are different employment requirements For example some things are universal...
  11. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Now when I came up with the proof you are running away lol
  12. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Everything goes with the proof not with assumptions if your client case is rejected based only on employment requirements you can challenge these cases. And I am on this forum for last 3 yrs and seen lots of cases with different education and work exp and posted some as well. Do you have any...
  13. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    Check out this link https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/is-education-qualification-is-must-to-get-pr-under-1111.225317/ This person with noc 1111 got pr without any CA/ACCA etc this person was only masters in commerce you can go to this post and check his/her...
  14. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    So if you are not a lawyer then in which capacity you deny people and why do you say them clients you have not yet posted single case of rejection which got solely got rejected because of applicant not meeting employment requirements
  15. F

    Licensing requirement for regulated profession

    https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/work-experience-education-major-different.412867/ Check out this link this person sam had bachelors of scinece in computer eng. But he was working as a logistics manager and he got his PR without any trouble.