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Recent content by Bryanpaz

  1. B

    Extending work permit as a protected person

    How long before the current work permit expires should someone apply for a renewal?
  2. B

    Loan for Protected Person

    If you are in Ontario and need social assistance (economical in this case) you could apply for Ontario works. Also, there’s a financial institution called “easy financial” which could give you a loan even if your SIN is temporary. Some banks also provide loans depending on your credit score and...
  3. B

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hi guys, do you know how long could it take to receive the RTD once it is in “call references” stage? My partner and I applied together (same envelope) my partner already received it about a week ago, but I haven’t received mine, I called them today and they told me references calling is...
  4. B

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hi everyone, I called IRCC and they gave me application number, they told me everything passed but they were missing to call my references.. Do you have any idea on how long could it take from now? For them to call them or to finalize the process. Thank you
  5. B

    Do asylum seekers need to file a tax return? If they do, where can I find this information online?

    Yes, You’re considered a resident for tax purposes. therefore you must file tax returns.
  6. B

    After sending in RTD Application

    it took a month for them to send it back. I sent it about 2 weeks ago and no news yet.
  7. B

    After sending in RTD Application

    They rejected mine and sent the whole application + photos back with an explanation of rejection. I used statutory declaration in lieu but didn’t sign photos. So I got them signed and sent everything back.
  8. B

    Integrated Claim Analysis Centre

    it started 1pm, Member didn’t know I had sent my evidence together with BOC so he asked for some minutes to check everything (he took about 30 min) It was my partner and me, my partner needed a translator and there wasn’t any available so we had to wait around 15-20 more min. then we had a...
  9. B

    Integrated Claim Analysis Centre

    Everything went smoothly, regular hearing about 3 hours, Didn’t get decision on table, I had to wait until I received the letter. positive decision.
  10. B

    RTD: Shows delivered by courier but they say they don’t have it

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask you if you’ve been through this and what would you recommend me to do: I sent my application for RTD (No guarantor, filled form in lieu of guarantor) and it shows delivered and signed as received on March19,2024. (UPS) I called IRCC 2 days ago and they told...
  11. B

    Hearing experience without a lawyer

    I had no lawyer, my whole refugee process took 9 months, got accepted in November 2023 all questions were from BOC
  12. B

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hi guys, I filled a declaration in lieu of guarantor, Does he have to sign just the declaration and photocopies of my ID or also the photo and application? I called IRCC they said just declaration is fine and leave the rest as it is, since the steps online doesn’t specify it only says...
  13. B

    Can I send 2 applications for RTD together?

    Hi guys I have a question, So ,my common-law partner and I want to apply for RTD , my question is: can I send both applications and documents in same package? Both in separate folders but in the same envelope? Or do they need to be sent individually? thank you
  14. B

    IMM 0008 SCH14

    I had same problem, I just printed it and signed , and uploaded it as a scanned document. I got AOR a few weeks ago.
  15. B

    Received IRCC Permanent Residence Confirmation Portal

    how long did it take for confirmation to arrive since you applied?