I will go today after work to the canada post where i sent my package.. do you think they can give me the informatiom there ? I remember exactly what tine i sent it etc..thank u :(
Thank you so much..i have one more question please how did u organize the pictures the 2 photos for immi and the 20 pictures..in small enveloppe or just loose in the big enveloppe ? Thank you!
@canuck_in_uk can u please tell me how to inform cic about the change for PR app and OPW app at the same time ? because they are asking about app num and i guess its 2 diff app..how do we do that please/ Thanks a lot !!!
Please guys i have a question for the form imm5406 which version should we use .because it was june 2019 version then they chnaged in the wb to theold one 09 2018 and i cant find anywhere the june 2019 version i need help please !