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  • Signature

    CEC Inland ITA: 1/7/2021 AOR: 2/10/2021 Medical Passed: 2/26/2021 Biometrics done in 2019
    Applied while still in Montreal and moved to Ontario after application.

    VO: Montreal Secondary VO: Etobicoke IRCC

    Called IRCC 4/21/2021
    As of 4/21/2021 - Eligibility: Not started Criminality: In progress Security: Not started Info Sharing: In progress

    GCMS Notes1 ordered 4/28/2021, received 5/28/2021, reflecting as of 5/17/2021
    As of 5/17/2021 - Eligibility: Not started Criminality: In progress Security: Not started Info Sharing: In progress

    GCMS Notes2 ordered 5/28/2021, received 6/29/2021, reflecting as of N/A but assume 6/18/2021
    As of 6/18/2021 - Eligibility: Passed Criminality: Passed Security: Passed Info Sharing: Complete Final: Approved

    GCMS Notes3 ordered 6/14/2021, received 7/14/2021, same as note 2

    GU1: 6/7/2021
    Real Update 1: 6/10/2021 - ADR request Settlement plan in Ontario & Details regarding ongoing work experience
    ADR Submitted: 6/17/2021
    Real Update 2: 6/18/2021 morning - Review of additional documents changed to "We are reviewing the additional documents you provided "
    Real Update 3: 6/18/2021 afternoon - Review of additional documents changed to "Not Applicable"
    GU2: 10/5/2021

    PR Portal first email: 10/6/2021
    PR Portal credentials email: 10/7/2021

    eCOPR: 10/25/2021

    PR Card Linked, address accepted in Portal: 10/25/2021
    GU1: 12/1/2021
    Approved and Mailed: 12/6/2021
    PR Card Received:12/10/2021


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