I think once you are married, you start a new family. Your spouse, your children...etc.
I disagree to consider siblings as "immediate family" and as it's not commonly considered that way in Canada. e.g. if someone said bring your family, they don't mean your siblings and their kids.
If siblings are allowed to be sponsored as part of the family, then the calculation of points for immigration, medical exams, crimial check...etc should include all applicant's siblings as well. In that case, approval of 1 person with high skill means 10 or 20 people as part of that person's family.
Who is saying not to do medical exams, criminal check etc.. infact keep a education standard too upto high school or university.
We all come from different cultures and background and as per our upbringing siblings are immediate family.
I have seen people here where wife and children leave you behind for other people and siblings come to hold your hand in your worst days of live.
half of the marriages end up in divorce in Canada.
Sibling also ease loneliness later in life.
· Research shows spending time with a loved one can help beat stress, and experts say siblings especially can help protect you from the negative effects of stress
Again its my opinion and what I have seen around me.
YOu have your own point of view and I have my own. I am sure there are lot of people who will agree to this petition.
Since s. 3 of the Immigration Act makes it clear that one of the primary goals of our immigration scheme is to encourage the reunification of families, what better way to ensure that our population does not decrease to economically dangerous levels in the coming decades than to take this goal seriously? A global and humane definition of the family, in keeping with the models of "family" that exist in the cultures from which Canada draws immigrants would satisfy Canada's constitutional, sociological
and economic needs. More importantly, it would do an effective and honest job of reuniting families.