The most complete update for Urgent RTD on July 15 2021: (How it works to get an RTD)
I applied by mail because my travel was not urgent. Then an urgency came up and I applied for urgent RTD. YOU HAVE TO APPLY FIRST BY SENDING THEM A WEBFORM. No documents needed just explain the urgency. The webform is a hit and miss. Mine was accepted on the first try. My wife's webform was accepted on the 3rd try! Funny! Keep sending webforms left and right and mention the urgency of your travel until one of the recipients accepts your urgency. It seems there are 2 different departments taking care of RTD by working together.1. IRCC webform guys and 2. The application processing guys. The first guys only determine if your story fits an urgent travel and if yes, they send your request to the processing guys. They will send you either an epost to send your electronic application (you have to create an epost account) or they push your mailed application forward like mine by asking (calling you) for your tracking number. In general, it is very chaotic! I hope the Quebec office opens ASAP so all will get their RTDs. I have paid for the application online because I changed my credit card and someone called me to pay online then FAX them the receipts. Oh God, who uses fax these days?

So I did. And still we are waiting for our RTDs, we will propably get them in the mail next week as the guy calling me said they are ready to send our RTDs for printing. If we are lucky we get them soon.
PS: They said to get an update by calling IRCC. You cannot reach an agent by calling IRCC. Don't waste your time. They process applications at their own pace and based on their will. Good luck getting your RTDs.