I received my e-COPR on May 27th but I received following email today -
"Welcome to the Permanent Resident Confirmation portal process. The attached PDF contains information and instructions regarding the confirmation portal process for your review. Once you have review the document, hit reply to send the requested information outline in the document"
Attached pdf contains contains the basic information and instructions of COPR .
Verify the information on your eCoPR document.
Notify us of any errors by contacting us via: IRCC.ClientPortal-
If the information is accurate, print your eCoPR document.
Sign and date the CLIENT COPY of the eCoPR document at the bottom of the
page under the IRCC officer electronic signature and date.
Your eCoPR document is very important, please keep it safe.
Your eCoPR is not a valid document for travelling, you need to wait for your PR
card before leaving Canada for travelling.
I am confused as what information I have to send now by replying above email perhaps client copy of COPR with my signatutre?
@legalfalcon Can you please help me to clarify above info?
If anyone has received such email after receiving e-COPR please let me know. Thank you.