My parents are on visitor visa (TRV) in Ontario. Are they eligible to receive Astra zeneca vaccine from pharmacies without OHIP card? anybody have experience getting their parents vaccinated under this program? Please share....
I think priorities are going first to Canadians, residents and all who have health cards. I am not sure if they can get it in Canada. Call the pharmacy issuing vaccines to find out.
Ontario is doing 80+ right now and then 60-64. There is a gap right now for those who are 65-79. No vaccine yet for them. This is because Astrazeneca (sp?) is only approved for those up to 64 years old and not older. The 60-64 thing just started this week in Ontario. I believe BC is starting next week. They will also have 64 as the max age for receiving this vaccine. It's not approved for anyone who is older than that.
Ontario is doing 80+ right now and then 60-64. There is a gap right now for those who are 65-79. No vaccine yet for them. This is because Astrazeneca (sp?) is only approved for those up to 64 years old and not older. The 60-64 thing just started this week in Ontario. I believe BC is starting next week. They will also have 64 as the max age for receiving this vaccine. It's not approved for anyone who is older than that.
Ontario's plan pretty much says the same thing with the same dates. 60-64 age range isn't supposed to be vaccinated until June / July.
They are moving forward in B.C with Astrazeneca just like in Ontario. Looks like they are only a week behind however also looks like they may be choosing a different population to target in B.C. (see article below). It's obviously up to the province to decide what they do with their vaccine allotment. Regardless, this specific vaccine is only good up to age 64.
BTW - Alberta started this week as well. I believe with the same target population as Ontario (i.e. 60-64). Again, basically up to the province to handle the deployment and determine the base they will target. There are other provinces too but not 100% sure which those are.
My parents are on visitor visa (TRV) in Ontario. Are they eligible to receive Astra zeneca vaccine from pharmacies without OHIP card? anybody have experience getting their parents vaccinated under this program? Please share....