Champion Member
Hi. Background check is a generic term for criminality check, security screening and information sharing. As the application undergoes these stages the message changes on MyCIC. You can see all the stages of an application here and since you have a lawyer get him/her to request the Gcms Notes on your behalf to get the exact status. Around 3 to 4 months post AOR is a good time to request one.hi all,
thanks @caipsnotes, first time i call and i got the update.
AOR: 4 sept
Medical passed: ahead + BIL ahead
applied through lawyer, so cant access the system regularly
- Reviewing eligibility + Background check not started yet.
- background check was 1) we are processing your background application 2) after 45 days: your application is in progress.
@legalfalcon what does this mean?
thanks a lot