You have the option to withdraw your brother. 32k is not tuition it also includes living expenses. He could switch to private education and the costs will likely be 50-60k+ for living and boarding. Private education has access to more funds to hire more teachers, already have smaller class sizes and likely have access to more spaces to accomodate social didtancing although I am sure they have made huge adjustmants and some students may be studying online. There are still areas in Ontario where gyms and indoor dining are still closed. Other areas where things have just opened with very strict limitations. Believe some gyms and restaurants are only allowed 10 people. Very hard to compare each province. Quebec has had more people die, more closures, etc. than Ontario. Ontaario has been slower to react and was likely trying to delay the influx of more people into the province while hoping the lockdowns would be effective in lowering the amount of infections. All the provinces know that allowing international students and more extended family to enter Canada will increase the amount of covid entering Canada. Given that we are already having problems controling covid, provinces aren't anxious to increase the amount of people entering Canada at the same time. In my opinion Ontario seems to have delayed their filing as a way to delay having students enter. For the majority of international students, who are studying at the post-secondary level, the delay will likely push them to come for the winter semester and not right away. There is no easy solution. For public health reasons and due to the limitted healthcare resources it doesn't make sense to let more people enter Canada but for economic reasons in many cases it does.With all due respect, how come Quebec which has more schools than Ontario and is now number 1 with highest COVID cases (Ontario 2nd) has opened opened to international students. Ontario won't reject international students as you can see everywhere, doing so will hurt the economy as well as the credibility of Ontario. Every province (except Nova Scotia and Newfoundland) has opened up to international students (with proper quarantine plan) so Ontario won't be the only province not doing so.
Also, Ontario is changing its ways to live with the virus since they are re-opening gyms and restaurants etc. Private schools in Ontario are welcoming and willing to teach domestic and int'l students, so if public schools don't want to open then let private schools open since they are willing to do so and they are opened already. We have paid ($32,000/year) already for my brothers tuition yet he is learning online with different time zones.