Reviewing the Great tracker (thanks for admins for creating and maintaining it), I don't see any application get pass that requirement where CIC last asked for VoterId and Aadhar Card. I was bit surpised when they were asking such documents as for proof of relationship other documents supports that fact too and having this additional document may not make difference, just getting sense that CIC just trying means to slow down the process.
I have submitted all those document on 5th Mar and never heard back anything. I can see from tracker that similar cases submitted in last year Sep 2020 and were still waiting.
So, I am reaching out to group if anyone knows what will be next step after CIC requested for Aadhar Card and VoterId card (for India applicants) and approx after how much time they moved you to next steps?
Any other pro-active thing you can suggest as I need my parents to be in India by Mid Nov due to family medical needs not sue if CIC will consider this situation to fast pace.