Like I said before if they want to make sure people got infected or not by covid during the quarantine period, the government can do further testing 2 to 3 days before the end of the 14 days quarantine period. Visitors pay the cost for their own testing.Testing is not available in all countries and unless you take a test right before entering the airport the airport there is no guarantee you haven’t been infected by covid in those 72 hours. If people want to visit or want to return to Canada they have to quarantine for 14 days. Testing all the people returning would add to costs and many entering are visitors. Many provinces are already reaching their max capacity for testing daily.
If no laundry is available put your travel clothes in a garbage bag. If I was in an area where there was a high chance of covid exposure l would wash my clothing and shower when coming home. Many working in LTC and hospitals do this and so do flight attendants, airport staff, etc.
If you were in a high chance of covid exposure, shouldn't you quarantine yourself for 14 days and get test as well?