I don't really think so! Just because they are backlogged now doesn't mean the situation stays the same forever. They must have put some steps in process to work this out... As i always say people who suffer are not the one to reap the benefits from their revolution. Though we may or may not want believe, i am pretty sure we calling regularly, raising webforms, messaging Goodale every three months definitely has some impact somewhere... Just one mention of Ralph and thousands of people including me have message him... That's an impact we can't see as we are the one bringing in the revolution.

one more pointer is check out the number of PPRs received since July...The moment we decide to give up hope there is someone who says that they received theirs and just like that there is sunrise yet again after the long night... I had left the forum for about a week. When i came back i saw Rushi and Harnav getting their PPRs...

It's coming! Don't give up yet; the temptation is highest when you're just about to reach the finish line.
Sorry for the long post