Hey Selvakk, congratulations on your visa. I had applied on 4th july and got a rejection on 5th August.. can you please help me write a strong SOP? Please mail me on
chuckyaaliya16@gmail.com and I will share my phone number.
Sorry, but I don't have the experience to help you, however I can share what I did in my explanation. I went through each document in my application and made explanations where I felt were necessary. I mentioned in the main application section of my letter of explanation, why I took this program, how this program would help me get a job in my home country etc.
My total letter of explanation was 1 page, with the part about my program and plans was about a paragraph long.
Therefore I can't really help you with SOP as I never wrote one. You should consult a professional if you want someone to help you with it.