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Job Searching Between COPR and Landing


Aug 30, 2017
Hey collective mind!

I recently got my PPR, and I'm waiting to get my confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) to Canada. I don't have a job yet lined up, and I'm currently living in the U.S.

I wanted to hear if anyone has experience/advice/knowledge on applying for jobs when I get my COPR but before I actually move to Canada. The idea would be to frame my application as "I will move to where ever I can procure employment."

I have quite a strong resume where I've worked with huge international names. I even did some applying before and got a couple interviews (though they didn't lead anywhere).

My biggest concern is that I need an SIN to work in Canada, and I'm not entirely sure at what point I get that. From my research, it looks like I don't even have to wait to get my permanent residency card and that I can just physically show up to a Service Canada Centre with my COPR and get an SIN right away.

In my head, I was thinking of trying to apply for jobs while still in the U.S. for a few months, saying that I'm legally able to work in Canada, but explain the situation that I still have to move there and get my SIN (maybe say the whole process will take about a month, if everything goes smoothly). If nothing happens after a few months, then just move to Canada and make the best of it.

Thoughts on this plan? Any advice or direct experience would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!!
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Star Member
Jul 6, 2017
Hey collective mind!

I recently got my PPR, and I'm waiting to get my confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) to Canada. I don't have a job yet lined up, and I'm currently living in the U.S.

I wanted to hear if anyone has experience/advice/knowledge on applying for jobs when I get my COPR but before I actually move to Canada. The idea would be to frame my application as "I will move to where ever I can procure employment."

I have quite a strong resume where I've worked with huge international names. I even did some applying before and got a couple interviews (though they didn't lead anywhere).

My biggest concern is that I need an SIN to work in Canada, and I'm not entirely sure at what point I get that. From my research, it looks like I don't even have to wait to get my permanent residency card and that I can just physically show up to a Service Canada Centre with my COPR and get an SIN right away.

In my head, I was thinking of trying to apply for jobs while still in the U.S. for a few months, saying that I'm legally able to work in Canada, but explain the situation that I still have to move there and get my SIN (maybe say the whole process will take about a month, if everything goes smoothly). If nothing happens after a few months, then just move to Canada and make the best of it.

Thoughts on this plan? Any advice or direct experience would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!!

I am in a similar boat. Wondering the chances get better if you have just COPR and haven't landed yet. I would like to repost/back the above query.


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
This is a common theme on this forum that employers either get speculative job enquiries from people looking for sponsorship or people who have actually gone through the process and have their COPR but not landed. In either case employers are wary of wasting their time on people who might not turn up when they have applicants available and ready to start immediately.

Best advice is to do a short landing trip to activate PR , apply for your SIN at Service Canada issued immediately which can be possible at an airport and if you have any friends in Canada get your PR card delivered to their address so they can courier/mail it to you in the US.

Not saying that having completed your landing it will necessarily get you a job but at least it shows to potential employers you are serious about actually coming to Canada.

Immigration is always going to be a risk job wise but having a start point of the US should in my view be seen as an advantage as far as experience is concerned but just will take time and perserverance . Ultimately though may just need to take that leap into the unknown as many others do. Good luck
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Full Member
Sep 22, 2016
Hey collective mind!

I recently got my PPR, and I'm waiting to get my confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) to Canada. I don't have a job yet lined up, and I'm currently living in the U.S.

I wanted to hear if anyone has experience/advice/knowledge on applying for jobs when I get my COPR but before I actually move to Canada. The idea would be to frame my application as "I will move to where ever I can procure employment."

I have quite a strong resume where I've worked with huge international names. I even did some applying before and got a couple interviews (though they didn't lead anywhere).

My biggest concern is that I need an SIN to work in Canada, and I'm not entirely sure at what point I get that. From my research, it looks like I don't even have to wait to get my permanent residency card and that I can just physically show up to a Service Canada Centre with my COPR and get an SIN right away.

In my head, I was thinking of trying to apply for jobs while still in the U.S. for a few months, saying that I'm legally able to work in Canada, but explain the situation that I still have to move there and get my SIN (maybe say the whole process will take about a month, if everything goes smoothly). If nothing happens after a few months, then just move to Canada and make the best of it.

Thoughts on this plan? Any advice or direct experience would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!!


I am in a similar situation. May I ask, whad did you end up doing? You found a job or did you have to land and obtain SIN first?

Any other info is much appriciated.



Aug 30, 2017
I ended up landing early and going back to the U.S.

So initially, I was living in the U.S. and applying for jobs in Canada. On my applications, I was saying I was a permanent resident, even though I hadn't done my official "landing" yet (and didn't have an SIN yet). But because I had my COPR, I figured it was a very small risk to take.

Eventually, I got asked for an in-person interview. I flew for the interview, and that ended up being my "landing." I obviously didn't have much choice, so I was nervous something was going to go wrong, but it was smooth as silk.

I landed and talked with the immigration officer where he filled out my COPR (officially making me a permanent resident). There was actually a booth for your SIN directly in the airport! So, right when I was done with the immigration officer, I went straight to the booth and got my SIN immediately. The whole process shockingly took less than 30 minutes.

I then did my interview and flew back to the U.S. while I awaited a decision. I ended up getting the job and moved to Canada within a couple weeks. When I crossed the border the second time with my COPR filled out, the immigration officer did ask me more questions than normal and gave me that side-eye that immigration officers do. But all went smoothly again.

Everyone's situation is different, of course. But after my experience, I wouldn't be concerned about landing early just to get your official PR status and your SIN. That said, you could do what I did and stretch the truth a hair on your job applications (I really argue it's not lying, if you have your COPR). I think both are viable options, and it all depends on your specific situation.

Keep in mind that your landing date starts the time clock of the rule that you have to live in Canada for 2 or 3 out of 5 years (I don't remember the exact numbers) in order to retain your permanent residency. Again, depending on your situation, this may or may not be something to consider. For me, I knew once I moved here that I would stay, so I had no concerns myself for making sure I was living in Canada long enough.

Hope this helps!!


Star Member
Jan 20, 2018
I ended up landing early and going back to the U.S.

So initially, I was living in the U.S. and applying for jobs in Canada. On my applications, I was saying I was a permanent resident, even though I hadn't done my official "landing" yet (and didn't have an SIN yet). But because I had my COPR, I figured it was a very small risk to take.

Eventually, I got asked for an in-person interview. I flew for the interview, and that ended up being my "landing." I obviously didn't have much choice, so I was nervous something was going to go wrong, but it was smooth as silk.

I landed and talked with the immigration officer where he filled out my COPR (officially making me a permanent resident). There was actually a booth for your SIN directly in the airport! So, right when I was done with the immigration officer, I went straight to the booth and got my SIN immediately. The whole process shockingly took less than 30 minutes.

I then did my interview and flew back to the U.S. while I awaited a decision. I ended up getting the job and moved to Canada within a couple weeks. When I crossed the border the second time with my COPR filled out, the immigration officer did ask me more questions than normal and gave me that side-eye that immigration officers do. But all went smoothly again.

Everyone's situation is different, of course. But after my experience, I wouldn't be concerned about landing early just to get your official PR status and your SIN. That said, you could do what I did and stretch the truth a hair on your job applications (I really argue it's not lying, if you have your COPR). I think both are viable options, and it all depends on your specific situation.

Keep in mind that your landing date starts the time clock of the rule that you have to live in Canada for 2 or 3 out of 5 years (I don't remember the exact numbers) in order to retain your permanent residency. Again, depending on your situation, this may or may not be something to consider. For me, I knew once I moved here that I would stay, so I had no concerns myself for making sure I was living in Canada long enough.

Hope this helps!!
Thanks so much for writing about your experience. Do you actually need the PR card in hand to start working in Canada or is it sufficient to land; get an SIN card and start working immediately if you find a job? I think it takes a few months to get the PR card in the mail so was just wondering what happens if you find a job before actually getting the card.


Aug 30, 2017
You don't need the PR card to start working. Your Confirmation of Permanent Residency (COPR) acts as your PR card until you receive the card. When I landed in Toronto, there was actually a Service Ontario right in the airport. After the immigration officer was done interviewing me, he just pointed me directly there and I got my SIN at the same time I landed.

The SIN is all you need to work.
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Jan 31, 2018
NOC Code......
Received COPR, applied FSW category without job offer from Canada.

Mentioned to the current employer in India that I have received my COPR and will be moving there. They are ready to hire me in Canada. Any idea if that would be an internal transfer or will I need a relieving letter and a new offer letter from them?

Thanks in advance


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2015
Received COPR, applied FSW category without job offer from Canada.

Mentioned to the current employer in India that I have received my COPR and will be moving there. They are ready to hire me in Canada. Any idea if that would be an internal transfer or will I need a relieving letter and a new offer letter from them?

Thanks in advance
Does it matter? It is something your employer should handle.


Jan 31, 2018
NOC Code......
Does it matter? It is something your employer should handle.
They are a small firm and have newly opened a branch in Canada and so are new to the whole Canadian process like me :)
I am worried if I would be questioned during my landing interview as to why I am still employed with the same employer and why I did not apply for EE through the job offer route if that makes sense? During my landing interview will I be question on my employment ?
coming from a place where we are much more exposed to H1b interview talks and quite low on Canada landing interview knowledge. Any help/ advice appreciated.

Thank you for replying Lampbreaker!


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2015
There will be no such questioning. You can certainly for the same employer or their related Canadian entity (if separate). All they have to figure out is how to withhold Canadian taxes from your pay.


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
As a PR you won't be questioned about your employment upon landing. You are allowed to work for any employer as a PR.


Star Member
Aug 13, 2018
I ended up landing early and going back to the U.S.

So initially, I was living in the U.S. and applying for jobs in Canada. On my applications, I was saying I was a permanent resident, even though I hadn't done my official "landing" yet (and didn't have an SIN yet). But because I had my COPR, I figured it was a very small risk to take.

Eventually, I got asked for an in-person interview. I flew for the interview, and that ended up being my "landing." I obviously didn't have much choice, so I was nervous something was going to go wrong, but it was smooth as silk.

I landed and talked with the immigration officer where he filled out my COPR (officially making me a permanent resident). There was actually a booth for your SIN directly in the airport! So, right when I was done with the immigration officer, I went straight to the booth and got my SIN immediately. The whole process shockingly took less than 30 minutes.

I then did my interview and flew back to the U.S. while I awaited a decision. I ended up getting the job and moved to Canada within a couple weeks. When I crossed the border the second time with my COPR filled out, the immigration officer did ask me more questions than normal and gave me that side-eye that immigration officers do. But all went smoothly again.

Everyone's situation is different, of course. But after my experience, I wouldn't be concerned about landing early just to get your official PR status and your SIN. That said, you could do what I did and stretch the truth a hair on your job applications (I really argue it's not lying, if you have your COPR). I think both are viable options, and it all depends on your specific situation.

Keep in mind that your landing date starts the time clock of the rule that you have to live in Canada for 2 or 3 out of 5 years (I don't remember the exact numbers) in order to retain your permanent residency. Again, depending on your situation, this may or may not be something to consider. For me, I knew once I moved here that I would stay, so I had no concerns myself for making sure I was living in Canada long enough.

Hope this helps!!
You experience gives so much of positive hopes. Thanks


Full Member
Jan 18, 2019
Hello everyone, my PR application is still being processed and i am an FSW inland applicant (my legal status is Canada is that of a visitor). Can i apply for jobs before my PR application is approved?

Secondly, having processed my PR application while in Canada there are some documents i had to process from my home country. I just received the soft copies from my dependent applicant and submitted them in my application. Post-PPR (e.g. landing interview etc), will i need original copies of these documents? E.g. police certificate, declaration of gift, bank statement of account and letter, employers letter of reference, marriage certificate, etc and documents for my dependent applicant - my spouse. I want to know if i should ask them to be couriered to me. I am thinking of the cost as well as the risk of sending original documents in the rare case that they go missing. Thanks


Star Member
Aug 25, 2017
Hello All, If after COPR , valid visa date is near to expiry, Can we land in canada , complete PR process/ SIN and come back to US and keep job searching.Once we get a job we can move to Canada, Also if any personal interview required can we have multiple entries to Canada and come back till we get a final job offer - Please suggest