Hi all,
I have been lurking around on the forum the past few days but I finally created a profile and decided to post a message now. I am hoping some of you may have some helpful inputs on my situation.
I am currently located abroad so I had to get most of this ECA related work done with the help of a relative back in Mumbai. Given below are the timelines
1. Second week of December - Created IQAS profile.
2. 23rd of December - Copies of educational documents sent personally by me reached IQAS on this date. This was sent by regular post so I never actually received an acknowledgement showing that this was received by someone there but the postal department confirmed that IQAS has a big mail facility and my package had reached them
2. 9th January - My full time degree transcripts from Mumbai University were received by IQAS on this date through the courier sent by my relative from Mumbai after he did the running around at the University to get the same.
3. 15th January - Transcripts for my 2 year Post Graduate Diploma in IT(2006 - 2008 but completed and awarded in 2010) from SCDL were received by IQAS on this date. This was sent directly by SCDL to IQAS.
Based on the above, I had a few queries.
1. I see that IQAS is now opening and looking at documents received in December so does this mean that they will look at my documents soon considering my first set reached them at that time or would they base this only on the last set of documents that reached them on 15th January?
2. How is my PGD from SCDL going to be evaluated? Will it be recognized?
3. Are there any exceptions at all to these 6 month timelines that I am seeing? Are there people who have received their ECA from IQAS in less time?
4. My wife has a full time MCom from Mumbai University which she sent in as well to IQAS(reached on 9th January). Will this be evaluated as a Masters ?
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.
Here are my two cents -
1. My documents were opened on Dec 4th and IQAS sent me AOR 1 and AOR 2 the same day. The Status of my application was In line for Processing for a lil over 2 months and it changed to Final Review on the 8th of Feb. Awaiting ECA and hopefully will be out this week... They might start off with the first set of document evaluation and then probably open the second set recieved on Jan 15th.
2. Based on my research and some of the older posts it does look like IQAS recognized SCDL PDDBM. I also spoke to SCDL and the guy who helped me with the transcripts did say that SCDL was recognized by IQAS... will be able to confirm once I get my ECA

3. As far as my experience goes, the time frames are between 12-15 weeks from the time you receive AOR
4. If it is a full time degree it should be given Masters equivalency...logically speaking..
Hope this clears some of your queries at least.... Be patient! The wait if long!
All the best!!