Hello everyone - just finished my test today and thought I would leave a note about my experience for anyone taking the test in Vancouver.
My Location was the 877 Expo Boulevard office. My time on the notice was for 8:18 AM.
Luckily, I live downtown so didn't have any issue getting there despite the snowstorm that we have been having. Took the Skytrain to Stadium and then it's a short 5-minute walk from there.
I got there at 7:30 AM just to make sure I was on time. This was a waste, as the building does not open till 8 AM and there is no one to let you in before that time. There is a Starbucks around the back for anyone who, like me, does end up there early. I noticed other people with the discover Canada book at the Starbucks as well so it seems to be the spot to go to while waiting.
Made my way back to the entrance at 8 AM to find a massive lineup, despite the snow. They opened the gates at 8 and let us in and we all took the elevator up to the 2nd floor.
At the entrance, they divided us into two groups of people - those under 18 or above 54, who did not need to take the test proceeded directly to the interview room and the rest of us were shuffled into the test room where they checked our invite letter and our IDs.
After everyone was checked in we were given the instructions and the tests. The test itself, at least my version, was very simple. If you have read the Discover Canada book you will easily pass the test. I finished up in 5 minutes, went up submitted the test and went to the interview room.
The interview room is very small and has additional waiting areas around the sides. People seemed reluctant to go down the sides as it was far away from the interview stations, and despite being assured that someone would call out their number they crowded the area till a security guard had to force them to go sit down.
My number as called after 10-15 mins of waiting. The interviewer was very nice and polite. He told me I got 20/20 on the test. After that, most of the time was spent reviewing the passport stamps. I had a couple of issues at this stage - 1) missed trip to the States in 2013 and 2) A stamp from EU from 2018 (after the application had been sent) looked like it was 2016 cause the stamp was faded. The 1st one he was not too concerned about - but the EU stamp he wanted to know why I had not mentioned - luckily I had the tickets from my trip in 2018 in my email to show him which lined up with the stamp dates and he reviewed the passport with his microscope and he was satisfied.
After that - some generic questions about my job and we were done. He said I should expect the oath letter soon and when I asked what "soon" meant he said it could be anywhere from 2-3 months but is usually much quicker.
Overall the whole process took around an hour from when we entered to when I left the building.
Hope this helps anyone else taking the test in Vancouver