It is not mandatory to link the application and if there is a photo request they send you an email. But if you want to link the application try with your COPR infront of you and exactly match the info. I was not anle to link my spouse’s application and later noticed that on COPR his city of birth has his country of birth as well so i had to write exactly like that.
For PRTD I applied yesterday at Delhi VFS and we need to fill the application for prtd, representative form (if applicable), reciept of payment, document checklist itself, then original passport, copy of original passport (2) and any old passport used in 5 yrs, 2 photos with one photo having name and date of birth and stamp studio and date of photo taken, photo should be of 50x70mm and vfs has a service of photography at the center for a fee if u want exact dimensions without hassle. Then we need to include copy of COPR, SIN , bank account, rent agreement or any other documents proving our residence and showing that we can complete the residency obligations in coming years. Then we have to attach marriage certificate if traveling with spouse who is PR and for children their birth certificate. Then we have to attach family information form available at cic website and consent form available at vfs website, 2 copies of consent form. Lastly entry exit form has to be filled that is available at the center itself.
Vfs timing is 9-5 its at connought place in delhi and they are not providing courier service to return the passport as of now so you will need to collect it or give consent form to anyone to collect it on your behalf from vfs. This applies only for vfs delhi i don’t know about other centers. But the forms and everything else is same for all.