If you are here and working, they say it is not needed. What is important is that the salary and position is enough to support your family. And if you are here, most of these funds are not necessary.
I read somewhere that you can add to your savings + 3 months of your current salary, because the settlement funds are based on a 3 months period, but I could not find the source to give to you, so take this with a grain of salt, try to find more info.
What also weighs in is your wife's probability of finding a job. If she paid tuition to college or University, her employability and salary expectation is higher. It is even better when she finds a good job while your application is being processed, so you can update them of your job history, and both of you are working, it will look very nice on your "probability of economic success" criteria.
Plus, there are the items in the checklist that require supporting documents and the items that do not, and if I'm not mistaken, that form does not require you to send the POF, it is a declaration, and they may request it later, so it is highly recommended to make an honest and conservative estimate of your funds in case they ask for proof.
Thank you very much for your quick response it really put me at ease.