I was going to ask about the certification of the passport copies and the translation of the IDs, when I saw Tasirmans question on Apr 7, 2018.
Regarding the passports:
From what I understood, a copy of the new version of passport does NOT need certification. Is that correct?
Cause in the Country specific requirements regarding Egypt, it is mentioned that Official and civil documents must be certified copies.
I did some digging about the certification, but with no luck. Some translation offices claim that their stamp would do the job. I highly doubt that. Plus, the ministry of Foreign Affairs won't stamp the copies as a "true copy".
Any solid input in the regards will be highly appreciated.
Regarding the national IDs:
Hrubmo recommended “North Cairo Court for First Instance, Department of translation” but unfortunately, I am in Alexandria.
I tried the ministry of Justice here but also with no luck. They said the ID doesn’t get translated as the passport is a legal replacement with all the information in English. Except the ID number itself of course. It was a dead end.
Any one can pitch in with useful information Please?
I don’t have much faith in any private translation offices as it is highly unregulated market. Anyone can claim anything. Unlike the government translations which I try to stick to.
Thank you,
I was going to ask about the certification of the passport copies and the translation of the IDs, when I saw Tasirmans question on Apr 7, 2018.
Regarding the passports:
From what I understood, a copy of the new version of passport does NOT need certification. Is that correct?
Cause in the Country specific requirements regarding Egypt, it is mentioned that Official and civil documents must be certified copies.
I did some digging about the certification, but with no luck. Some translation offices claim that their stamp would do the job. I highly doubt that. Plus, the ministry of Foreign Affairs won't stamp the copies as a "true copy".
Any solid input in the regards will be highly appreciated.
Regarding the national IDs:
Hrubmo recommended “North Cairo Court for First Instance, Department of translation” but unfortunately, I am in Alexandria.
I tried the ministry of Justice here but also with no luck. They said the ID doesn’t get translated as the passport is a legal replacement with all the information in English. Except the ID number itself of course. It was a dead end.
Any one can pitch in with useful information Please?
I don’t have much faith in any private translation offices as it is highly unregulated market. Anyone can claim anything. Unlike the government translations which I try to stick to.
Thank you,