I don't think it's human error. Did you provide your Australian or your Pakistan residence address in your TRV application?@Bryanna
You know I was just going through my old docs and stuff.
Do you think it could be a human error ?
Coz like I told you the address on the interview letter is Pakistan.
But interview in Sydney.
When I received the biometrics collection letter. The address was exactly the same as in the interview letter.(Pakistan) and I’ve been asked to go to Vac lahore.
What do you think Bryanna ?
I don't think it's human error. Did you provide your Australian or your Pakistan residence address in your TRV application?
As an Australian PR, the Sydney visa office probably believes that you're back in Australia
Current country ofresidence was Australia
Apply from Pakistan.
Tickets booked from lahore to us 1 week stay in the us and from there Canada 2 weeks stay thn back to Pakistan.
Was going on a honeymoon to states thn decided to go to Canada as well.
I think you should wait until MondayHi @Bryanna
I haven’t got any reply yet expect the automated emails.
Should I email again or wait till Monday and is there any other way to contact them in emergency ?
Also you said u were gone send me some links and prepare me for my interview ?
Relax, seriously. Don't get super stressed or super upset. It won't help if you're nervous or stressed out at the interview. Breathe deeply or meditate or have a cup of coffee/tea.... anything to calm you down.
I had advised some people on preparing for interviews. I will post the links a bit later. If it helps to cheer you up: Both those guys got their TRVs immediately after their interviews.
Fret not. Stress not. We're going to prepare you for the interview
Ignore the literal meaning of this. The 'additional documents' refers to the interview
Keep us posted. My fiance has also been called for an interview on 12th. I hope it turns out be positive for both!
Wowwwww.....that's great. My guesses/predictions seem to be spot on..... I did say to wait until Monday morning
Keep us posted. My fiance has also been called for an interview on 12th. I hope it turns out be positive for both!
Wowwwww.....that's great. My guesses/predictions seem to be spot on..... I did say to wait until Monday morning
1. When is the interview scheduled?
2. Do get an email/letter for the scheduled interview from the Riyadh visa office