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Citizenship Applications Delivered: October 16-20, 2017 (C6)


Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Location: Edmonton (YEG)

Application Type: Single
Physical Presence Days: 1270
Application Sent: Oct 16, 2017
Application Delivered: Oct 20, 2017
AOR: Dec 8, 2017
In Process: Jan 11, 2018
Test Invite Letter/ECAS Date: Feb 02, 2018
Test & Interview Date: Feb 22, 2018
Decision Made Date: Feb 23, 2018

Anyone from Edmonton with a similar timeline?

I am also from Edmonton but seems you are ahead of me.

My test was done instead on March 22, and decision made March 28.

I guess i still have a long time to wait for oath invite.


VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Job Offer........
Location: Edmonton (YEG)

Application Type: Single
Physical Presence Days: 1270
Application Sent: Oct 16, 2017
Application Delivered: Oct 20, 2017
AOR: Dec 8, 2017
In Process: Jan 11, 2018
Test Invite Letter/ECAS Date: Feb 02, 2018
Test & Interview Date: Feb 22, 2018
Decision Made Date: Feb 23, 2018

Anyone from Edmonton with a similar timeline?
Added you to October sheet of global 2017 spreadsheet. Link is in my signature.


Star Member
Feb 10, 2018
hello my GCMS notes says this

knowledge: not started
residence: not started
language: not started
prohibition: not started
criminality: passed

can you please help me to understand this.
its been more then two months when I send my FP.
IRCC received FP on 13-02-2018

after that nothing is happening. and status shays in progress


Champion Member
Dec 12, 2012
hello my GCMS notes says this

knowledge: not started
residence: not started
language: not started
prohibition: not started
criminality: passed

can you please help me to understand this.
its been more then two months when I send my FP.
IRCC received FP on 13-02-2018

after that nothing is happening. and status shays in progress
That looks about right for the IP stage you are in. Maybe there is just some delay in your BG check, which IRCC has no control over.


Star Member
Jul 13, 2014
Ok Friends so here is an interesting situation of mine.

I got finger print request which i sent on time.Then received another request from CIC that they want more details related to the criminal charges shown on my finger print result.


I had criminal charges due to domestic assault and got conditional discharge with 1 year probation.

Cic wanted documents from court showing that i got conditional discharge related to criminal charges. I have already provided the information now from court which shows that i completed my probation successfully so as per my understanding i should have no issues
and should be able to count the time during probation as well coz i completed it successfully.

Now i am nervous and hopeful that any one among you who are familiar with this kind of situation guide me for the next steps.

I am hoping to get test invite now but just wanna know if previous record will create any issues. Thank you in advance.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Ok Friends so here is an interesting situation of mine.

I got finger print request which i sent on time.Then received another request from CIC that they want more details related to the criminal charges shown on my finger print result.


I had criminal charges due to domestic assault and got conditional discharge with 1 year probation.

Cic wanted documents from court showing that i got conditional discharge related to criminal charges. I have already provided the information now from court which shows that i completed my probation successfully so as per my understanding i should have no issues
and should be able to count the time during probation as well coz i completed it successfully.

Now i am nervous and hopeful that any one among you who are familiar with this kind of situation guide me for the next steps.

I am hoping to get test invite now but just wanna know if previous record will create any issues. Thank you in advance.
Some of the possible fact situations will indicate NO PROBLEM, no problem at all. There are, however, numerous variables which, if those are the facts, could mean there is a likely problem.

The easy one, the NO PROBLEM one:

If this criminal case was TOTALLY RESOLVED, so that the court's disposition shows a final discharge date (probation completed and any other conditions met) as of a DATE BEFORE the date you applied for citizenship, AND you checked "yes" in the physical presence calculator, and reported the from and to date for the period of time on probation, and the presence calculation total showed you meet the requirement to be physically present in Canada (for 1095 in five years if you applied on or after October 11, 2017), then it is almost certain this is NOT a PROBLEM. Of course I am no expert. This observation is subject to particular details. BUT basically if it was ALL DONE, probation over, BEFORE you applied, AND you entered the from-to dates of probation in the presence calculator, all really should be well. No worries.

But, I am guessing you did NOT enter the dates you were on probation in the presence calculator. And if you deduct the days on probation, you do not meet the physical presence requirement.

Which muddies the waters.

THUS in what follows I am going to take the long, long way around to conclude I DO NOT KNOW the answer to your query. I take the long way around for two reasons:
-- to illuminate why you should not rely on me or anyone in a forum like this to give you a reliable answer (to be frank, I doubt you can get a reliable answer to this from a help centre telephone agent . . . too many details and complications involved)
-- to illuminate enough for you to have a better sense for yourself about what potential issues could be (depending on various facts in your specific situation), enough to make a reasonable decision whether to see a lawyer or to simply WAIT and see what IRCC does​

My guess (emphasis on it being a guess) is you can wait and see, and trust IRCC to make the correct, proper decision. To be more sure, you could consult with a lawyer experienced in immigration and citizenship.

In the meantime, taking the long, long way around . . .

The particular details in the criminal case charges and disposition determine how the case affects an individual's eligibility for citizenship AND how it may affect the calculation of days physically present. Sorting out such matters is typically beyond the expertise anyone in a forum like this can reliably do, and in particular I do NOT have the expertise to adequately evaluate how the criminal charges and the outcome in those proceedings affect your citizenship application.

I can offer some information about how criminal charges affect citizenship applications generally, and cite the relevant provisions in the Citizenship Act.

Unfortunately, however, I may NOT be offering good news . . . DEPENDING on the details in your physical presence calculation.

Foremost, there are TWO MAIN but SEPARATE ISSUES which relate to how criminal charges can affect a citizenship applicant.

These are, in very basic terms:

-- whether the individual is subject to a PROHIBITION which would make the person NOT eligible for citizenship, or

-- if the criminal case resulted in time which cannot be counted as time present in Canada (this is the one which appears might be problematic for you, but again I am NO expert so I do not know for sure how this works in all cases)​

The latter poses the more difficult question to answer. I will address prohibitions in some depth in a subsequent post, but first . . .


If you still have enough days present to meet the minimum requirement AFTER deducting days on probation, you should be OK, no worries, no problem.

I'm sensing that is not the case.

And this appears to be the more probable issue POSSIBLY affecting you (I do not know it is but apprehend it might). Days on probation do not count as days present in Canada. Days on probation in effect count as days ABSENT from Canada. This is prescribed in Section 21(a) of the Citizenship Act. See: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-29/page-6.html#docCont

If you followed the instructions in completing the online presence calculator, answered yes to question about having spent any time on probation or a conditional sentence, and then properly entered the dates you were on probation during the eligibility period . . . and then your presence calculation still met the minimum requirement, again THAT IS OK. The presence calculation would deduct those days (count them essentially the same as days NOT in Canada).

It appears, however, this may not be how you went about this. You state it is your understanding:

"[you] should be able to count the time during probation as well coz [you] completed it successfully"

That is contrary to my understanding and not what the statute states (should link). To be clear, the statute states:
21 Despite anything in this Act, no period may be counted as a period of physical presence for the purpose of this Act during which a person, under any enactment in force in Canada, . . . (a) has been under a probation order

Again, I am NO expert so I do not know for certain how IRCC actually interprets and applies these things . . . and especially so in regards to a period of probation which has been a successfully completed pursuant to totally discharging the charges, with NO criminal conviction at all.

On one hand, the literal meaning of Section 21(a) is that any days on probation "under any enactment in force in Canada" DO NOT COUNT.

In contrast, the physical presence calculator asks:

Did you spend time serving a sentence for an offence in Canada (e.g. "term of imprisonment", conditional sentence, probation and or parole) between yyyy/mm/dd and yyyy/mm/dd?

Key terms in this include "servicing a sentence for an offence." But "conditional sentence" and "probation" also loom as important.

The statutory language literally excludes any days on probation. The presence calculator appears to depend on there being a "sentence for an offence." Whether IRCC considers a completed period of probation followed by a full discharge to be "for an offence" or not, I cannot so much as guess.

Whether this is something you want to go to a lawyer for a consultation about, that is for you to decide. IRCC will let you know how they do approach this situation, and the odds are high that the decision IRCC makes will be a proper and legal decision, almost certain to be upheld upon review. So you could simply wait to see what IRCC does. Odds are high you can rely on what IRCC decides.

As I said, I was taking the long, long way around to saying I do not know how this will affect the application. And I think no one else here can say so either, not reliably.

I will address prohibitions some in another post . . .
Last edited:


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
I had criminal charges due to domestic assault and got conditional discharge with 1 year probation.

Cic wanted documents from court showing that i got conditional discharge related to criminal charges.
Odds appear good there is no prohibition problem.

But here too that depends some on the precise details. I will address potential prohibitions in an effort to illuminate whether, in assessing your situation and your facts, for yourself, you can relax about prohibitions or perhaps see reason to consult with a lawyer.


Again, as noted in my previous post, in regards to the affect of a criminal case the first issue is whether the criminal case constitutes a PROHIBITION. A prohibition makes the person ineligible for citizenship for as long as the prohibition applies. The statutory prohibitions are set out in Section 22 of the Citizenship Act
see http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-29/page-7.html#docCont (also see list of "situations" in item 16 in current application form, most of which but not all would constitute a prohibition)

Without enumerating all prohibitions, a couple relevant examples may be sufficiently illustrative:

-- a conviction for an indictable offence results in a four year prohibition from the date of conviction, meaning that once a PR is convicted of an indictable offence (such as assault), the PR cannot make a valid citizenship application for at least the next four years from that date (Section 22(2) for any such conviction in Canada; Section 22(3) for comparable foreign offence).

-- pending criminal charges for an indictable offence constitute a prohibition while the charge is pending. This is Section 22(1)(b) Note: again, not for sure, but my understanding is that a "conditional discharge" means the charge is still pending unless and until the condition is satisfied such that a PR is not eligible to apply for citizenship until the condition is completed and the discharge takes effect. BUT there are many variations in these situations and sorting out how a particular disposition of this sort will affect eligibility for citizenship can be TRICKY and is beyond what anyone can reliably offer in a forum like this. IMPORTANTLY the particular details in the specific individual case matter. How this has worked for someone else cannot illuminate how it will work for you or someone else. There are too many possible variables, and lots of probable variables. Among variables: what charge is actually pending subject to the conditional discharge.

-- criminal charge resulting in the imposition of probation, constitutes a prohibition for the period of time the person is on probation. Section 22(1)(a)(i) This one is simple: if the PR is on probation, the PR is not eligible for citizenship.

From what you describe (caveat demanding emphasis: I am NO expert), none of the above apply to you NOW (as in today). No charge is pending (there is a completed disposition). There is no conviction for an indictable offence (the alleged offence has been discharged). And you are NOT on probation.

So NONE of these currently constitute a PROHIBITION (caveat about my lack of expertise still applies).

BUT you must have been eligible (not prohibited) on the day you applied for citizenship and remained eligible all along. If the conditional discharge took full effect BEFORE the day you applied for citizenship, and you were thus off probation as well, again BEFORE the date you signed the application, THEN NONE of these should constitute a prohibition. Should be no problem (due to a prohibition). This is the easy, no-problem-scenario, I addressed at the beginning of my first post.

BUT WHAT IF the year of probation was not up or the court did not actually enter the discharge BEFORE the date you signed the citizenship application? THAT COULD BE AN ISSUE. That could mean you were prohibited when you signed the application, meaning NOT eligible, which would require this application be denied. THIS IS A MORE COMPLICATED scenario. A number of details could push this in one direction or the other. Again, sorting this out is NOT something I can do and NOT something regarding which you should rely on anyone in a forum like this.

That said, some particular aspects might be easy to sort out. For example, if you were still on probation the day you signed the application, odds are high that constituted a prohibition and is a problem. That would probably mean the application would have to be denied.

My sense (but not for sure) is that you are out-of-the-woods relative to prohibitions. OK on this count.


Star Member
Jul 13, 2014
Thank you so much for such a detailed response. Really appreciate your time on it. Yes as per your question, i did complete my probation successfully before the application submission.

However i have counted the one year probation time in my 3 years in Canada ( Resident calculator.).The reason i counted this as per below from citizenship calculator.


so i hope based on this fact , i will not have any issue.

Best regards


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Thank you so much for such a detailed response. Really appreciate your time on it. Yes as per your question, i did complete my probation successfully before the application submission.

However i have counted the one year probation time in my 3 years in Canada ( Resident calculator.).The reason i counted this as per below from citizenship calculator.


so i hope based on this fact , i will not have any issue.

Best regards
This FAQ response does appear to adequately answer the question. And it appears, relative to this, you are indeed OK. Glad to see that IRCC actually covers this contingency in the FAQs! (And since I try to stay abreast of the prohibition and calculation of presence issues, THANK YOU for the link to this -- I love it when I see people actually doing the homework!)

It appears that the only outstanding issue then is whether the court's records document completion of the conditions and final discharge. Since you report already sending in the documentation, it appears all is OK on this front as well.

So you should be able to relax. And be entitled to congratulations in the relatively near future.


I approach these queries with a high degree of cautiousness because so much can depend on very specific details which not only can but very often do vary considerably. And the consequences not only vary as well but some can be rather severe. These matters often involve details which demand a professional perspective, not suitable for a venue like this forum.

Between the disposition being FINAL in your situation, resulting in the charge being discharged BEFORE you made the application, and the FAQ response you link, that puts a cover on your situation, essentially overriding all the possible variables along the way. And you did your homework. Which, again, is refreshing. A model for others to follow. (To add some context: scores of related queries in this forum have come from applicants who did not wait until the conditional discharge was fully completed before applying. And many others involve such matters arising while the application is pending. You went about this just the way a prospective citizenship applicant should. Again, a good model for others to follow.)


Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
Please, uodate my status:
Name: pclaa.ca
Location: Edmonton
NEW Update: Citizenship Ceremony scheduled for April 26 8:30AM


Hero Member
Nov 6, 2013
Job Offer........
HI, Can someone please advise -my ecas changed to "we hve sent you a letter to appear for a test on april 3" I havent received any letter. Should I be calling them for location of the test? also does this mean that eligibility is complete?


VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Job Offer........
HI, Can someone please advise -my ecas changed to "we hve sent you a letter to appear for a test on april 3" I havent received any letter. Should I be calling them for location of the test? also does this mean that eligibility is complete?
Can you post the complete message from e-cas? To update the spreadsheet, I am looking for dates for test invite and when is your test?


Hero Member
Oct 2, 2017
App. Filed.......
24 August 2017
AOR Received.
02 October 2017
29 November 2017
HI, Can someone please advise -my ecas changed to "we hve sent you a letter to appear for a test on april 3" I havent received any letter. Should I be calling them for location of the test? also does this mean that eligibility is complete?
Did you check your inbox sometimes invite come by email,sometimes they send test invite before background check and yes you should call them after a couple days if you don’t hear from them.